Sep 27, 2024  
2009-2010 Undergraduate Catalog 
2009-2010 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Course Descriptions


Business Administration

  • BADM 344 - Managerial Communications

    Common Course Number & Description
    This advanced writing course is designed to assist students with the development and refinement of their communication skills. It stresses the factors underlying the composition of managerial communications, including organizational structure, reader analysis, and content quality for letters and memoranda, informational and analytical reports, and grant proposals.
    PreRequisite: MIS-105 or MIS-205

    BH-PreRequisite: ENGL-201
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 350 - Legal Environment of Business

    Common Course Number & Description
    This is a study of legal topics as they apply to the business environment. Topics include an introduction to the law, the U.S. Court system, legal process, government regulation, and criminal, tort, and contract issues.
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 351 - Business Law

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course involves a thorough study of the law of contracts, sales, product liability, agency, corporations and other selected topics.
    PreRequisite: BADM-350
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 360 - Organization and Management

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course is a study of management, including the planning, direction, controlling and coordinating of the various activities involved in operating a business enterprise.
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 370 - Marketing

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course introduces the student to the basic concepts and practices of modern marketing. Topics include marketing and its linkages to business, consumer behavior, marketing research, strategy and planning, product and pricing decisions, distributions and promotion decisions, marketing management, and evaluation and control aspects for both consumer and industrial goods.
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 372 - Advertising

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course is a survey of advertising principles including advertising terminology, communication processes, advertising agencies, media, and ad copy and layout elements.
    PreRequisite: BADM-370
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 406 - Accounting for Entrepreneurs

    Common Course Number & Description
    Accounting concepts and practices for entrepreneurs/small business owners. Emphasis given to the use of accounting tools to solve small business problems.
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 407 - International Business

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course provides a basic understanding of the challenges and opportunities involved in the operation of international enterprises. Major points of discussion include the economic and political influences on operations, as well as other selected topics.
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 411 - Investments

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course is a thorough study of the equity market including fundamental valuation techniques, asset allocation, the efficient markets hypothesis and its implications, portfolio theory, risk and return, the primary and secondary market mechanisms, security market indicators, and international investing. An overview of the bond market including bond valuation, duration, and bond portfolio management, and an introduction to options, futures, and forward contracts are provided. The vital roles of computer technology and electronic trading are also explored.
    PreRequisite: BADM-310
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 413 - Advanced Corporate Finance

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course utilizes a combination of cases and theory in studying the investment, financing and dividend decisions of the firm. The emphasis is on long-term debt and equity financing as well as managing financial risk.
    PreRequisite: BADM-310
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 425 - Production/Operations Management

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course studies the basic tools of operations management with emphasis on decision-making models in production and planning. Such topics as decision theory, production planning and control, inventory control, materials requirement planning, project management, and quality control are covered.
    PreRequisite: MATH-281
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 431 - Risk Analysis and Insurance

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course is a study of the management of non-speculative risks and the management devices available for dealing with them. Emphasis is place on insurance as a tool for managing risks by individuals and businesses.
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 438 - Entrepreneurship II

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course focuses on the process of screening an opportunity, drafting a personal entrepreneurial strategy, and understanding the business plan writing process. Building the entrepreneurial team and the acquisition and management of financial resources are emphasized along with venture growth, harvest strategies, and valuation.
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 457 - Business Ethics

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course is a study of the ethical implications of managerial decisions. Topics covered include the responsibility of the organization to the individual and society, the role of the individual within the organization, and ethical systems for American business. The course provides an examination and assessment of current American business practices.
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 464 - Organizational Behavior

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course is a study of individuals and groups. Traditional organization theory and concepts are presented and study is given to motivation, group dynamics, and methods of coordination, change, and adaptation within an organization.
    PreRequisite: BADM-360
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 465 - Integrated Marketing Communications

    Unique Course
    This is a strategic approach to developing synergy between the various communication tools available to companies. Students will examine the use of advertising, personal selling, sales promotions, and public relations. The impact of Internet communications will also be addressed. Students will learn how these tools may be used together to develop strategies for communicating with consumers, publics, suppliers, companies within distribution systems, and business-to-business markets within the global marketplace.
    PreRequisite: BADM-370
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 471 - Marketing Management

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course is a study of the field of marketing and the influences that affect marketing strategy. The focus is on the methods that marketing managers use to develop and evaluate marketing mix decisions.
    PreRequisite: BADM-370
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 473 - Retail Management

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course is a study of competitive structure, trade area analysis, site selection, merchandise planning and control, pricing, buying, credit policy and research. Managerial problems concerning the planning and operation of retail facilities are emphasized.
    PreRequisite: BADM-370
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 474 - Personal Selling

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course is a study of the skills needed to develop and manage long-term relationships with customers and suppliers. Emphasis is placed on relationship selling, presentation, prospecting, handling objectives and closing techniques with consideration given to differences in the global marketplace.
    PreRequisite: BADM-370
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 475 - Consumer Behavior

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course is a study of the various factors that influence consumers in their decisions relative to buying, using and disposing of goods, services and ideas. The course examines concepts and theories from the behavioral sciences and analyzes their application in developing marketing strategies.
    PreRequisite: BADM-370
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 476 - Marketing Research

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course provides an in-depth study of the primary methodologies of marketing research. Emphasis is places on collecting, analyzing, interpreting and presenting information for the purpose of reducing uncertainty surrounding marketing and management decisions.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as ECON 476)

    PreRequisite: BADM-370 MATH-281
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 482 - Business Policy and Strategy

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course is designed to develop an understanding of strategy formulation, implementation, and evaluation. It involves integrating all functional areas of business, analyzing the environment in which the firm operates, and choosing strategies that enable the firm to meet its objectives.
    PreRequisite: BADM-310 BADM-350 BADM-360 BADM-370
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 489 - Business Plan Writing and Competition

    Common Course Number & Description
    Students will write a business plan and present it to a panel of faculty and business community members. The top three business plan presenters will move on to a statewide competition.
    1 semester hours
  • BADM 490 - Seminar

    Common Course Number & Description
    A highly focused, and topical course. The format includes student presentations and discussions of reports based on literature, practices, problems, and research. Seminars may be conducted over electronic media such as internet and are at the upper division or graduate levels. Enrollment is generally limited to fewer than 20 students.
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 491 - Independent Study

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.
    1 to 4 semester hours
  • BADM 492 - Topics

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes current topics, advanced topics and special topics. A course devoted to a particular issue in a specified field. Course content is not wholly included in the regular curriculum. Guest artists or experts may serve as instructors. Enrollments are usually of 10 or fewer students with significant one-on-one student/teacher involvement.
    1 to 4 semester hours
  • BADM 493 - Workshop

    Common Course Number & Description
    Special, intense sessions in specific topic areas. Approximately 45 hours of work is required for each hour of credit. Workshops may vary in time range but typically use a compressed time period for delivery. They may include lectures, conferences, committee work, and group activity.
    1 to 3 semester hours
  • BADM 494 - Internship

    Common Course Number & Description
    Applied, monitored and supervised, field-based learning experience for which the student may or may not be paid. Students gain practical experience; they follow a negotiated and or directed plan of study. A higher level of supervision is provided by the instructor in these courses than is the case with field experience courses.
    1 to 12 semester hours

Business Education

  • BED 425 - History & Philosophy of Vocational Education

    Unique Course
    The student learns the history, growth, and present status of vocational education. The course includes principles and practices of vocational business education and their relationships to business education and other areas of vocational education. (Correspondence)
    3 semester hours
  • BED 480 - 7-12 Business Education Methods

    Common Course Number & Description
    Students develop an understanding of the tools of inquiry of business; the ability to design, deliver, and evaluate a variety of instructional strategies and processes that incorporate learning resources, materials, technologies, and state and national curriculum standards appropriate to business; the ability to assess student learning in business; and to apply these knowledge, skills, and attitudes to real life situations and experiences.
    Registration Restriction: Admitted to Teacher Education
    3 semester hours


  • CHEM 106 - Chemistry Survey

    Common Course Number & Description
    A one-semester survey of chemistry. Not intended for those needing an extensive chemistry background. Introduction to the properties of matter, atomic structure, bonding, stoichiometry, kinetics, equilibrium, states of matter, solutions, and acid-base concepts.
    PreRequisite: MATH-101 MATH-102 MATH-115 MATH-120 MATH-121 MATH-123 MATH-125 MATH-281 or Placement.
    CoRequisite: CHEM-106L
    3 semester hours
  • CHEM 106L - Chemistry Survey Lab

    Common Course Number & Description
    Laboratory designed to accompany CHEM 106.
    CoRequisite: CHEM-106
    1 semester hours
  • CHEM 107 - Organic and Biochemistry Survey

    Common Course Number & Description
    A survey of organic and biological chemistry. A continuation of CHEM 106. Not applicable to a chemistry major or minor.
    PreRequisite: CHEM-106
    CoRequisite: CHEM-107L
    BH-PreRequisite: CHEM-106 or CHEM-112
    3 semester hours
  • CHEM 107L - Organic and Biochemistry Survey Lab

    Common Course Number & Description
    Laboratory designed to accompany CHEM 107.
    CoRequisite: CHEM-107
    1 semester hours
  • CHEM 112 - General Chemistry I

    Common Course Number & Description
    An introduction to the basic principles of chemistry for students needing an extensive background in chemistry (including chemistry majors, science majors, and pre-professional students). Completion of a high school course in chemistry is recommended.
    BH-PreRequisite: MATH-102 MATH-115 MATH-120 MATH-121 MATH-123 or MATH-125
    3 to 4 semester hours
  • CHEM 112L - General Chemistry I Lab

    Common Course Number & Description
    Laboratory designed to accompany CHEM 112.
    0 to 1 semester hours
  • CHEM 114 - General Chemistry II

    Common Course Number & Description
    A continuation of CHEM 112. An introduction to the basic principles of chemistry for students needing an extensive background in chemistry.
    PreRequisite: CHEM-112; MATH-102 MATH-115 MATH-120 MATH-121 MATH-123 MATH-125 or MATH-281
    3 to 4 semester hours
  • CHEM 114L - General Chemistry II Lab

    Common Course Number & Description
    Laboratory designed to accompany CHEM 114.
    PreRequisite: CHEM-112L
    CoRequisite: CHEM-114
    0 to 1 semester hours
  • CHEM 292 - Topics

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes current topics, advanced topics and special topics. A course devoted to a particular issue in a specified field. Course content is not wholly included in the regular curriculum. Guest artists or experts may serve as instructors. Enrollments are usually of 10 or fewer students with significant one-on-one student/teacher involvement.
    1 to 4 semester hours
  • CHEM 326 - Organic Chemistry I

    Common Course Number & Description
    A systematic treatment of the chemistry of carbon compounds, including nomenclature, structure-reactivity relationships, reaction mechanisms, synthesis, and spectroscopy.
    PreRequisite: CHEM-114 or CHEM-116
    3 semester hours
  • CHEM 326L - Organic Chemistry I Lab

    Common Course Number & Description
    Laboratory designed to accompany CHEM 326.
    1 to 2 semester hours
  • CHEM 328 - Organic Chemistry II

    Common Course Number & Description
    A continuation of CHEM 326. A systematic treatment of the chemistry of carbon compounds, including nomenclature, structure-reactivity relationships, reaction mechanisms, synthesis, and spectroscopy.
    PreRequisite: CHEM-326
    3 semester hours
  • CHEM 328L - Organic Chemistry II Lab

    Common Course Number & Description
    Laboratory designed to accompany CHEM 328.
    PreRequisite: CHEM-326L
    CoRequisite: CHEM-328
    1 to 2 semester hours
  • CHEM 332 - Analytical Chemistry

    Common Course Number & Description
    Fundamental concepts and principles of quantitative chemical analysis including quantitative chemical equilibrium calculations and error analysis applied to the evaluation of experimental measurements and data.
    PreRequisite: CHEM-114 or CHEM-116
    2 to 4 semester hours
  • CHEM 332L - Analytical Chemistry Lab

    Common Course Number & Description
    Laboratory to accompany CHEM 332. Also, laboratory to accompany CHEM 230 at SDSMT.
    1 to 2 semester hours
  • CHEM 342 - Physical Chemistry I

    Common Course Number & Description
    A study of the fundamental principles governing the behavior of chemical systems. Topics covered in the two-semester sequence include thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, quantum mechanics, and statistical mechanics.
    BH-PreRequisite: MATH-123
    3 to 4 semester hours
  • CHEM 344 - Physical Chemistry II

    Common Course Number & Description
    A continuation of Physical Chemistry I. A study of the fundamental principles governing the behavior of chemical systems.
    BH-PreRequisite: MATH-123 CHEM-114
    3 semester hours
  • CHEM 355 - Field Environmental Chemistry

    Unique Course
    Assessment of water quality and the origin of pollutants in a watershed are investigated in this interdisciplinary course. Geology and land use are examined and used as the basis for student designed sampling schemes. Biological, chemical, and physical methods are employed to characterize samples both in the field and in the laboratory. Results and conclusions of student projects are presented orally and in written form.
    PreRequisite: CHEM-112
    CoRequisite: CHEM-355L
    3 semester hours
  • CHEM 355L - Field Environmental Chemistry Laboratory

    Unique Course
    Laboratory designed to accompany CHEM 355.
    CoRequisite: CHEM-355
    1 to 3 semester hours
  • CHEM 434 - Instrumental Analysis

    Common Course Number & Description
    Theory and application of modern instrumental methods to chemical analysis.
    PreRequisite: CHEM-230 or CHEM-332
    2 to 3 semester hours
  • CHEM 434L - Instrumental Analysis Lab

    Common Course Number & Description
    Laboratory designed to accompany CHEM 434.
    1 to 2 semester hours
  • CHEM 452 - Inorganic Chemistry

    Theoretical and periodic aspects of inorganic chemistry.
  • CHEM 464 - Biochemistry I

    Common Course Number & Description
    A study of the fundamental principles governing the behavior of biochemical systems. Topics covered in the two semester sequence include the study of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates, metabolic processes, biological oxidation and reduction processes, molecular aspects of DNA replication and repair pathways, transcription and RNA processing, and protein translation.
    PreRequisite: CHEM-326 CHEM-328
    CoRequisite: CHEM-464L
    3 semester hours
  • CHEM 464L - Biochemistry I Lab

    Common Course Number & Description
    Laboratory designated to accompany CHEM 464.
    PreRequisite: CHEM-328L
    CoRequisite: CHEM-464
    1 semester hours
  • CHEM 465 - Biochemistry II

    Common Course Number & Description
    A continuation of CHEM 464.
    PreRequisite: CHEM-464
    3 semester hours
  • CHEM 465L - Biochemistry Laboratory II

    Unique Course
    This course will focus on the Biophysical and Thermodynamic nature of nucleic acids and proteins. Specific emphasis will be placed on the design, synthesis, and thermodynamic analysis of an RNA model system. The aim of the course will be to provide the student with a solid basis in the thermodynamics of folding of biologically important macromoledules.
    CoRequisite: CHEM-465
    1 semester hours
  • CHEM 490 - Seminar

    Common Course Number & Description
    A highly focused, and topical course. The format includes student presentations and discussions of reports based on literature, practices, problems, and research. Seminars may be conducted over electronic media such as internet and are at the upper division graduate levels. Enrollments in generally limited to fewer than 20 students.
    .5 to 1 semester hours
  • CHEM 491 - Independent Study

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.
    1 to 9 semester hours
  • CHEM 492 - Topics

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes current topics, advanced topics and special topics. A course devoted to a particular issue in a specified field. Course content is not wholly included in the regular curriculum. Guest artists or experts may serve as instructors. Enrollments are usually of 10 or fewer students with significant one-on-one student/teacher involvement.
    1 to 4 semester hours

Early Childhood Education

  • ECE 228 - Guidance with Young Children

    Common Course Number & Description
    Observation and participation in a pre-school setting under supervision of a professional practitioner.
    2 semester hours
  • ECE 371 - Infants and Toddlers: Developmentally Appropriate Practices

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course is a study of developmentally appropriate practices for infants/toddlers (aged birth to 3 years). Students will learn developmentally appropriate learning environments and experiences for infants and toddlers that facilitate development and learning in the cognitive, language, physical, social/emotional, and aesthetic domains. The health, safety, and nutritional needs of infants and toddlers will also be studied and applied.
    PreRequisite: ECE-228 ECE-228L
    3 semester hours
  • ECE 411 - Social Development in Early Childhood

    Common Course Number & Description
    The study of various cultural, environmental and developmental factors that shape young children from infancy through 8 years of age. Emphasis on understanding and meeting the individual social/emotional needs of children.
    2 to 3 semester hours
  • ECE 413 - Early Childhood Curriculum

    Common Course Number & Description
    The materials and methods employed with young children in early childhood education programs with emphasis on developmentally appropriate practices.
    2 to 3 semester hours
  • ECE 417 - Methods of Early Childhood Education

    Unique Course
    This class consists of an overview of the curriculum for early childhood education, writing lesson plans and units, developing teaching aids and learning centers and keeping a log of on-site experiences. The student should arrange their schedule so that thirty (30) hours of appropriate time can be spent in an early childhood setting.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as ECE 517)

    PreRequisite: PSYC-101 EPSY-302 EPSY-327
    3 semester hours
  • ECE 486 - Early Childhood/Special Education Student Teaching: Preschool

    Unique Course
    Students preparing for teaching in the early childhood classroom will observe, participate, and teach under the supervision of the regular classroom teacher in an accredited school. This is an on-site assignment in an early childhood setting which is in addition to the internship required for the elementary major. Must have completed all requirements for student teaching.
    Registration Restriction: Admitted to Teacher Ed
    6 semester hours
  • ECE 488 - Student Teaching

    Common Course Number & Description
    Students preparing for teaching in the early childhood setting will observe, participate, and teach under the supervision of the regular classroom teacher in an approved early childhood setting.
    Registration Restriction: Admitted to Teacher Ed
    1 to 12 semester hours
  • ECE 495 - Practicum

    Common Course Number & Description
    Applied, monitored and supervised, field-based learning experience for which the student may or may not be paid. Students gain practical experience; they follow a negotiated and or directed plan of study. A higher level of supervision is provided by the instructor in these courses than is the case with field experience courses.
    1 to 12 semester hours


  • ECON 100 - Survey of Economics

    Unique Course
    This course is intended to give the student who does not plan to take additional course work in economics a basic understanding of the operation of the American economic system. Emphasis is on production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services with special consideration of the role of money and of governmental policies in stabilizing the economy.
    3 semester hours
  • ECON 201 - Principles of Microeconomics

    Common Course Number & Description
    Principles of microeconomics studies basic economic concepts as they relate to consumer, worker, and business decisions. Emphasis is given to satisfaction maximizing behavior by individuals and profit maximization by firms. Market structures are thoroughly analyzed regarding their effect on price, output, and competitiveness.
    3 semester hours
  • ECON 202 - Principles of Macroeconomics

    Common Course Number & Description
    Principles of macroeconomics considers the economy as a whole, how its sectors interact, and how monetary and fiscal policy can influence output, inflation, interest rates, unemployment, poverty, debt, and other factors.
    3 semester hours
  • ECON 291 - Independent Study

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.
    1 to 4 semester hours
  • ECON 301 - Intermediate Microeconomics

    Common Course Number & Description
    Intermediate microeconomics examines more advanced microeconomic theory, then applies it to consumers’ and businesses’ consumption, pricing, and output decisions in various types of markets.
    PreRequisite: ECON-201
    3 semester hours
  • ECON 302 - Intermediate Macroeconomics

    Common Course Number & Description
    Intermediate macroeconomics examines more advanced macroeconomic theories, then uses them to understand the determinants of national output, prices, interest rates, and employment under various conditions, and to evaluate effectiveness of monetary and fiscal policies.
    PreRequisite: ECON-202
    3 semester hours
  • ECON 304 - Managerial Economics

    Common Course Number & Description
    Managerial problem decision-making using tools and techniques of microeconomics.
    PreRequisite: ECON-201 ECON-202 MATH-281
    3 semester hours
  • ECON 330 - Money and Banking

    Common Course Number & Description
    Money and banking examines the historical development of money, the bank system, and the Federal Reserve in the United States. The course studies interest rate determination and how monetary policy affects rates and the economy.
    PreRequisite: ECON-201 ECON-202
    3 semester hours
  • ECON 404 - American Economic History

    Common Course Number & Description
    American economic history surveys the economic development of the United States, with special attention given to the effects of political, social, and economic conditions.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as HIST 404 Economic History of the US)

    PreRequisite: ECON-201 ECON-202
    BH-PreRequisite: HIST-152
    3 semester hours
  • ECON 405 - Comparative Economic Systems

    Common Course Number & Description
    Comparative economic systems studies the characteristics of modern economic systems and the significant thought and experience that have influenced their emergence and development. It uses the U.S. as a benchmark for comparing developed and developing economies in terms of output per capita, social welfare, income distribution, and other conditions.
    PreRequisite: ECON-201 ECON-202
    2 to 3 semester hours
  • ECON 411 - International Political Economies

    Unique Course
    This course will focus on the dynamic interplay of the structures and the processes which link economics and politics at the global level. Topics covered will include, but will not be limited to such issues as foreign aid, international trade, multinational corporations, international debt, regional economic arrangements, international institutions, the global environment, North-South and East-West relationships, etc. Particular attention will be paid to US interests and options in the world.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as POLS 411)

    PreRequisite: Take 6 credits from Subjects POLS ECON
    3 semester hours
  • ECON 482 - Labor Economics

    Common Course Number & Description
    Labor economics studies the functioning of labor markets. Topics include the theory of labor supply, unions, discrimination, and the government role in labor markets.
    PreRequisite: ECON-201 ECON-202
    3 semester hours
  • ECON 490 - Seminar

    Common Course Number & Description
    A highly focused, and topical course. The format includes student presentations and discussions of reports based on literature, practices, problems, and research. Seminars may be conducted over electronic media such as internet and are at the upper division or graduate levels. Enrollment is generally limited to fewer than 20 students.
    1 to 3 semester hours
  • ECON 491 - Independent Study

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.
    1 to 4 semester hours
  • ECON 492 - Topics

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes current topics, advanced topics and special topics. A course devoted to a particular issue in a specified field. Course content is not wholly included in the regular curriculum. Guest artists or experts may serve as instructors. Enrollments are usually of 10 or fewer students with significant one-on-one student/teacher involvement.
    1 to 4 semester hours
  • ECON 494 - Internship

    Common Course Number & Description
    Applied, monitored and supervised, field-based learning experience for which the student may or may not be paid. Students gain practical experience; they follow a negotiated and or directed plan of study. A higher level of supervision is provided by the instructor in these courses than is the case with field experience courses.
    1 to 6 semester hours


  • ED 101 - Strategies for University Learning

    Unique Course
    This course provides students with the academic and personal strategies necessary for making a successful transition to the university environment. This course helps students maintain a balance between their personal and academic lives while teaching them such skills as learning strategies, time management, class-notes taking, test-taking techniques, decision-making skills, self-assessment exploration, and goal-setting. Use of campus resources that will assist students in reaching their educational goals are also introduced. Prerequisites include admission to BHSU and motivation to succeed academically at the university level.
    1 semester hours
  • ED 291 - Independent Study

    Unique Course
    Includes Directed Study, Problems, Readings, Directed Readings, Special Problems, and Special Projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.
    1 to 3 semester hours
  • ED 295 - Practicum

    Unique Course
    Applied, monitored and supervised, field-based learning experience for which the student may or may not be paid. Students gain practical experience; they follow a negotiated and or directed plan of study. A higher level of supervision is provided by the instructor in these courses than is the case with field experience courses.
    3 semester hours
  • ED 410 - The Kindergarten

    Unique Course
    This course is for students who are especially interested in teaching kindergarten. The applications and adaptations of the elementary teachers curricula to the teaching of the kindergarten will be studied.
    PreRequisite: EPSY-302 EPSY-327
    2 semester hours
  • ED 413 - Nature and Needs of the Gifted

    Unique Course
    The student will learn various theoretical approaches to the education of the gifted. Current research will be presented on the nature of the intellectually superior. The student will learn various administrative provisions for the gifted including, but not limited to, practices of enrichment, acceleration and special grouping. Students will benefit from a course emphasis on creativity.
    PreRequisite: SPED-300 EPSY-302
    3 semester hours
  • ED 431 - Library Media and Technology

    Unique Course
    This hands-on course covers the fundamentals of instructional design and current technologies used to evaluate, produce, and operate instructional media, including multimedia aids, used in library media centers. It provides an overview of emerging technologies, including the Internet technology used in libraries/media centers. Cross listed with ED 531.
    2 semester hours
  • ED 444 - K-12 Student Teaching

    Unique Course
    Students are assigned to specifically designated teacher practitioners and University Supervisors at the elementary, middle, and secondary school levels in their major subject area. The student teachers will be evaluated for their classroom participation, lesson planning, and teaching. Must have completed all requirements for student teaching. Enrollment in education internships requires approval by the Director of Field Experiences. Fees will be charged in addition to tuition and regular campus fees.
    Registration Restriction: Admitted to Teacher Ed
    6 to 12 semester hours
  • ED 491 - Independent Study

    Unique Course
    Includes Directed Study, Problems, Readings, Directed Readings, Special Problems, and Special Projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.
    Note: This course requires permission of the Instructor and/or College Dean.
    1 to 3 semester hours
  • ED 492 - Topics

    Unique Course
    Includes current topics, advanced topics and special topics. A course devoted to a particular issue in a specified field. Course content is not wholly included in the regular curriculum. Guest artists or experts may serve as instructors. Enrollments are usually of 10 or fewer students with significant one-on-one student/teacher involvement.
    1 to 3 semester hours
  • ED 495 - Practicum

    Unique Course
    Applied, monitored and supervised, field-based learning experience for which the student may or may not be paid. Students gain practical experience; they follow a negotiated and or directed plan of study. A higher level of supervision is provided by the instructor in these courses than is the case with field experience courses.
    1 to 6 semester hours

Educational Psychology

  • EPSY 302 - Educational Psychology

    Common Course Number & Description
    A comprehensive study of the fundamental psychological facts, principles and theories that apply to the nature of the learner and the learning process.
    2 to 3 semester hours
  • EPSY 327 - Child Growth & Development

    Common Course Number & Description
    A study of the physical, language, cognitive, and social/emotional growth and development of the child from birth to young adult in the contexts of family, school, peer and community.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as PSYC 327)

    3 semester hours
  • EPSY 422 - Psychology of Adolescence

    Common Course Number & Description
    A study of the behavior and development of middle and secondary level students.
    2 to 3 semester hours

Elementary Education

  • ELED 295 - Practicum

    Unique Course
    Applied, monitored and supervised, field-based learning experience for which the student may or may not be paid. Students gain practical experience; they follow a negotiated and or directed plan of study. A higher level of supervision is provided by the instructor in these courses than is the case with field experience courses.
    1 semester hours
  • ELED 303 - Earth and Physical Science for Elem Teachers

    Common Course Number & Description
    A non-methods course that presents major concepts and theories in astronomy, geology, meteorology, chemistry, and physics. Scientific concepts and theories for elementary teachers working with K-8 students.
    3 to 4 semester hours
  • ELED 315 - Foundations & Theory of Reading

    Unique Course
    An introduction to the reading process is the central theme. Students will examine history and theories which governed reading curriculum development. Reading readiness, language principles, and adequate reading environment, reading approaches, and beginning phonics are also studied.
    2 semester hours
  • ELED 320 - K-8 Science Methods

    Common Course Number & Description
    Students develop an understanding of the tools of inquiry of K-8 science; the ability to design, deliver, and evaluate a variety of instructional strategies and processes that incorporate learning resources, materials, technologies, and state and national curriculum standards appropriate to K-8 science; the ability to assess student learning in K-8 science; and to apply these knowledge, skills, and attitudes to real life situations and experiences.
    Registration Restriction: Admitted to Teacher Education
    2 to 3 semester hours

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