Sep 23, 2024  
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog 
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Course Descriptions


Mathematics (MATH)

  • MATH 361 - Modern Geometry

    Common Course Number & Description
    In this course topics will be chose from: axiomatic systems, finite geometries, Euclidean plane geometry, transformational geometry, three dimensional geometry, and non-Euclidean geometries.
    PreRequisite: (MATH 123 + MATH 201) or MATH 125
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 373 - Introduction to Numerical Analysis

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course is an introduction to numerical methods. Topics include elementary discussion of errors, polynomial interpolation, quadrature, non-linear equations, and systems of linear equations. The algorithmic approach and efficient use of the computer will be emphasized.
    PreRequisite: MATH 321 + (CSC 111 or CSC 150 or CSC 170)
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 411 - Theory of Numbers

    Common Course Number & Description
    Properties of integers, divisibility, primes, congruencies, Diophantine equations, quadratic residues, continued fractions and the distribution of primes.
    PreRequisite: MATH 125
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 413 - Abstract Algebra I

    Common Course Number & Description
    Introduction to the theory and applications of algebraic structures including groups, rings, and fields.
    PreRequisite: MATH 253 or MATH 315 or MATH 316 or MATH 351 or CSC 251
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 414 - Abstract Algebra II

    Common Course Number & Description
    This is a continuation of topics from MATH 413.
    PreRequisite: MATH 413
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 416 - Combinatorics

    Common Course Number & Description
    Pigeonhole principle, Principle of Inclusion-Exclusion, other algebraic counting techniques, combinatorial designs, matchings, and graph theory.
    PreRequisite: MATH 125 + (MATH 316 or MATH 351)
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 421 - Complex Analysis

    Common Course Number & Description
    The algebra of complex numbers; complex functions; contour integration and Cauchy integral theorems; Taylor and Laurent series and the residue theorem; the evaluation of real definite integrals; elementary mapping problems.
    PreRequisite: MATH 225
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 423 - Advanced Calculus I

    Common Course Number & Description
    A theoretical treatment of Calculus that covers: limits; continuity and differentiability of functions of a single variable and of several variables; convergence of sequences and series; integration; and applications.
    PreRequisite: MATH 225 + (MATH 253 or 315 or 316 or 351 or CSC 251)
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 427 - Introduction to Functional Analysis

    Unique Course
    This is an extension of Abstract Linear Algebra concepts to functional spaces. Metric spaces, normed and Banach spaces, and inner product and Hilbert spaces are rigorously defined and explored.
    PreRequisite: MATH 315 + MATH 425
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 440 - Mathematics of Finance

    Common Course Number & Description
    An introduction to the fundamental concepts of financial mathematics.  Topics include simple and compound interest, annuities, amortization, sinking funds, bonds, stocks, rates of return, term structure of interest rates, cashflow duration and immunization.
    PreRequisite: MATH 225
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 450 - History of Mathematics

    Common Course Number & Description
    A general presentation of historical topics in mathematics including contributions to mathematics from ancient civilizations; developments leading to the creation of modern geometries, calculus and modern algebra; and contributions of outstanding mathematicians.
    PreRequisite: MATH 125
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 461 - Introduction to Topology

    Common Course Number & Description
    Introduction to topological and metric spaces with specific emphasis on topology of the real line.
    PreRequisite: MATH 225
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 471 - Numerical Analysis I

    Common Course Number & Description
    Analysis of rounding errors, numerical solutions of nonlinear equations, numerical differentiation, numerical integration, interpolation and approximation, numerical methods for solving linear systems.
    PreRequisite: MATH 225
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 472 - Numerical Analysis II

    Unique Course
    Solution of nonlinear equations. Computational methods of linear algebra, theory of matrices in numerical analysis, special eigenvalue problems and computational algorithms. Finite difference interpolations, numerical solutions to ordinary and partial differential equations, boundary value problems.
    PreRequisite: MATH 471
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 481 - Probability and Statistics

    Common Course Number & Description
    An introduction to the core ideas in probability and statistics. Computation of probabilities using, for instance, counting techniques and Bayes’ rule. Introduction to discrete and continuous random variables, joint and conditional distributions, expectation, variance and correlation, random sampling from populations, hypothesis tests and confidence intervals, and least squares.
    PreRequisite: MATH 225
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 483 - Regression and Analysis

    Unique Course
    This course is a study of simple and multiple regression. Topics will include analysis of residuals, violations of assumptions, multicollinearity influence diagnostics and nonparametric regression. Computer software will be utilized.
    PreRequisite: MATH 315 + MATH 481
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 484 - Applied Multivariate Analysis

    Unique Course
    This is a study of some common statistical techniques in a multivariate setting. Topics will include principal components, factor analysis, canonical correlation analysis, discriminate analysis and clustering.
    PreRequisite: MATH 315 + MATH 281
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 487 - Design of Experiments

    Unique Course
    This course is a study of the construction and analysis of designs for experimental investigations. Topics will include analysis of variance, completely randomized designs, randomized block designs, nested designs, and Latin squares. Computer software will be utilized.
    PreRequisite: MATH 281
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 491 - Independent Study

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.
    1 to 4 semester hours
  • MATH 492 - Topics

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes current topics, advanced topics and special topics. A course devoted to a particular issue in a specified field. Course content is not wholly included in the regular curriculum. Guest artists or experts may serve as instructors. Enrollments are usually of 10 or fewer students with significant one-on-one student/teacher involvement.
    1 to 6 semester hours
  • MATH 498 - Undergraduate Research/Scholarship

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes Senior Project, and Capstone Experience. Independent research problems/projects or scholarship activities. The plan of study is negotiated by the faculty member and the student. Contact between the two may be extensive and intensive. Does not include research courses which are theoretical.
    1 to 6 semester hours

Mass Communication (MCOM)

  • MCOM 151 - Introduction to Mass Communication

    Common Course Number & Description
    A comprehensive look at the mass media in the United States and the world. Includes discussions of newspapers, magazines, radio, television, books, movies, recordings, advertising and public relations. Also studies mass media rights and responsibilities, ethics and censorship.

    3 semester hours

  • MCOM 161 - Graphic Communication

    Common Course Number & Description
    Fundamental design principles, techniques, and technology of electronic layout and production.
    Cross-listed: ART-161
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 165 - History of Photography

    Unique Course
    This course is designed to give students an in-depth understanding of both the aesthetic and technical aspects of the history of photography. The course will also explore the effect photography has had on society and culture as well as examine emerging technologies and the role these technologies will play in our lives.
    Cross-listed: ARTH-165
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 210 - Basic Newswriting

    Common Course Number & Description
    Introduces students to gathering, evaluating and writing news.
    PreRequisite: ENGL 101
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 220 - Introduction to Digital Media

    Common Course Number & Description
    An introduction to the basics of digital imagery and design for the news media.
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 221 - Audio Production

    Common Course Number & Description
    Applied course explicating the knowledge and skills necessary for pre-professional audio production operations. The course includes learning basic audio studio operations, audio editing and techniques for commercial and dramatic production. Students will also learn to create mental pictures via music, sound effects and other related production elements.
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 235 - Social Media Survey

    Unique Course
    This interdisciplinary course introduces essential concepts in evolving social media covering the areas of history, theory and application of use in various professional settings, from business to education and arts to science. Students will gain insight on the use of social media to benefit their areas of study and advance their careers.
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 257 - Intermediate Desktop Publishing

    Unique Course
    Students will continue their study of design principles and desktop publishing procedures, techniques and applications at an intermediate level. Multiple desktop publishing/page layout programs will be explored through tutorials and hands-on exercises, with program features being examined beyond the basic level covered in the fundamental course. Students will demonstrate their learning through individual publishing projects they will develop. (was MCOM-261)
    Cross-listed: ART-257
    PreRequisite: ART 161 or MCOM 161
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 291 - Independent Study

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.
    1 to 5 semester hours
  • MCOM 296 - Field Experience

    Common Course Number & Description
    Applied, monitored, and supervised field-based learning experience for which the student may or may not be paid. Students gain practical experience; they follow a negotiated and/or directed plan of study established by the student, instructor, and field-based supervisor. Due to the presence of a field experience supervisor, a lower level of supervision is provided by the instructor in these courses than is the case with an internship or practicum course.
    1 semester hours
  • MCOM 305 - Sports Broadcasting

    Unique Course
    This course develops students’ sports writing, announcing and production skills for broadcast, cable and digital media.
    PreRequisite: MCOM 221 or MCOM 331
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 312 - Intermediate Photography

    Unique Course
    This course will introduce students to advanced techniques in exposure and printing as well as composition and image content.  Multiple camera formats, print presentation and image editing and sequencing will also be introduced.
    Cross-listed: ART-312
    PreRequisite: ART 265 or MCOM 265
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 315 - Computer Production & Imaging

    Unique Course
    The student will study various reproduction and printing methods including offset printing to computer publishing. Course projects will develop creative concepts from the original idea and copy to completed artwork and camera-ready paste-ups.
    Cross-listed: ART-315
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 317 - Multimedia Reporting

    Common Course Number & Description
    Builds on the skills and concepts introduced in Basic Newswriting by providing additional experience in beat coverage, initiating story ideas, news judgment, verifying and developing information, and writing news stories for publication, broadcast or online delivery.
    PreRequisite: MCOM 210
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 320 - Freelance Writing

    Unique Course
    Students will explore the world of the freelance writer, generating ideas for local and national markets, and preparing articles for publication is the basis for this course. Use of supplementary photographs or illustrations is encouraged. All course work will be designed to market the students’ work.
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 322 - Radio Production

    Unique Course
    Advanced radio programming, operations and management skills. Producing audio programming for broadcast and online radio.
    PreRequisite: MCOM 221
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 327 - Advanced Multimedia Reporting

    Unique Course
    Builds on the skills and concepts introduced in News Gathering by providing advanced experience in beat coverage, writing and producing news stories for publication, broadcast or online delivery.
    PreRequisite: MCOM 317
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 328 - Advertising Media Communication

    Unique Course
    This course provides an academic environment to the theoretical and practical aspects of advertising media communication planning and design.
    Cross-listed: ART-328
    PreRequisite: ART 161 or MCOM 161
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 330 - Writing for Digital Media

    Common Course Number & Description
    Preparation of continuities such as commercials, public service announcements, talks, interviews, drama, documentaries, and educational programs.
    PreRequisite: ENGL 101
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 331 - Video Production

    Common Course Number & Description
    Training in field production and post-production skills for television and online media including camera operation, audio acquisition and nonlinear editing.
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 332 - Television Production

    Unique Course
    Studio production techniques for television. Advanced television programming, operations and management skills. Producing video programming for cable and online.
    PreRequisite: MCOM 331
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 343 - Introduction to Drone Photography

    Unique Course
    This course will introduce students to both commercial and artistic uses of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) more commonly referred to as drones. Topics to be covered will include basic flight safety, using drones for video and still capture, FAA compliance and creative and innovative uses for UAV technology.
    PreRequisite: (ART 265 or MCOM 265) + (ART 312 or MCOM 312)
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 350 - Digital Photography

    Unique Course
    This course will introduce students to the latest cameras, printers, and software used in the production of digital imagery. A variety of photo manipulation and graphics programs will be explored as they pertain to image making and printing. Both conventional and digital cameras will be used to create new and manipulate existing photographs. Current trends in digital imaging will also be explored, discussed, and applied to student projects.
    PreRequisite: ART 265 or MCOM 265
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 351 - Web Design

    Common Course Number & Description
    Basic and intermediate techniques for creating documents for the world wide web. Emphasis will be placed on the principles of design, using the most recent versions of hyper-text markup language and enhancement.
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 357 - Advanced Desktop Publishing

    Unique Course
    This is an advanced course in design principles and desktop publishing procedures, techniques, and applications. Top-level desktop publishing/page layout programs will be explored through tutorials and hands-on exercises, with advanced program features being examined beyond the transitional level covered in the intermediate course. Students will demonstrate their learning through sophisticated and complex individual publishing projects they will develop. The course will also include a study of typography including type families and characteristics, and how to choose appropriate fonts for different styles of documents and projects. (was MCOM-361)
    Cross-listed: ART-357
    PreRequisite: (ART 161 or MCOM 161) + (ART 257 or MCOM 257)
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 364 - Studio and Commercial Photography

    Unique Course
    This course is designed to give students an in-depth understanding of both the aesthetic and technical aspects of studio and commercial photography. Students will apply lighting techniques, posing, and compositional techniques related to studio photography. Students will also explore issues pertaining to commercial photography as it relates to advertising.
    Cross-listed: ART-364
    PreRequisite: (ART 265 or MCOM 265) + (ART 365 or MCOM 365)
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 365 - Advanced Photography

    Common Course Number & Description
    Exploration of photojournalism and electronic photojournalism. Emphasis on putting together a professional photojournalism portfolio including black and white and color.
    Cross-listed: ART-365
    PreRequisite: ART 265 or MCOM 265
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 367 - Color Photography

    Unique Course
    This course deals with color photography, stressing the use of current commercial systems. It includes camera projects and follow-through to final full-color prints.
    Cross-listed: ART-367
    PreRequisite: (ART 265 + MCOM 265) + MCOM 350
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 373 - Public Relations Case Study

    Unique Course
    This course will focus on public relations as a problem-solving strategy of organizations. Specific cases will be examined as illustrative of decision-making in a range of public relations contexts. Case studies of ethical problems of the profession are also considered.
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 430 - Media Law

    Common Course Number & Description
    Study of the sources, processes, content and application of law and regulation in the mass communication context and of the ethics of communications practitioners.
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 448 - Interactive Multimedia Design

    Unique Course
    This course is designed to give students experience designing interactive media projects incorporating text, animation, images, sound, and video. Students will develop an online or mobile media project for their portfolios. (was MCOM-418)
    PreRequisite: MCOM 351 + (ART 161 or MCOM 161) + one of: ART 265, MCOM 265, ART 315, MCOM 315, MCOM-352, ARTD-335
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 449 - Advanced Interactive Multimedia Design

    Unique Course
    This course is designed to give students experience producing advanced interactive media projects. Students will work with digital photography, video, audio, and music; focusing on advanced problems in online and mobile media design. (was MCOM-448)
    Cross-listed: ART-449
    PreRequisite: MCOM 448
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 450 - Alternative Photo Printing

    Unique Course

    This course is designed to give students an in-depth understanding of both the aesthetic and technical aspects of a variety of historic and contemporary alternative printing processes.
    Cross-listed: ART-450
    PreRequisite: (ART 265 or MCOM 265) + (ART 365 or MCOM 365)
    3 semester hours

  • MCOM 452 - Mass Media Issues

    Unique Course
    This course comprehensively considers public sphere debates within mass communication historically and currently throughout the world.  Media literacy and critical evaluation of mass media are explored through advanced theoretical perspectives, research, and applied problem-solving - politically, economically, and culturally.
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 458 - Integrated Media Production Lab I

    Unique Course
    Practical work experience in a converged media organization. Students will produce content for newspaper, magazine, radio, television and online outlets.
    PreRequisite: (MCOM 317 or ART 257) + one of: ART 266, MCOM 305, MCOM 327, MCOM 332, MCOM 351
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 459 - Integrated Media Production Lab II

    Unique Course
    Continued practical work experience in a converged media organization. Applied management skills in a cross-platform context.
    PreRequisite: (MCOM 317 or ART 257) + one of: ART 266, MCOM 305, MCOM 327, MCOM 332, MCOM 351
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 463 - Professional Practices in Photographic Imaging

    Unique Course
    This course will instruct students in various types of emerging image capture and production processes being used in the imaging industry as well as advanced portfolio production and design. (was MCOM-460)
    Cross-listed: ART-463
    PreRequisite: (ART 312 or MCOM 312) + (ART 364 or MCOM 364) + (ART 465 or MCOM 465)
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 464 - Advanced Studio & Commercial Photography

    Unique Course
    This course will expand on the basic foundational elements of MCOM 364 and will give students the opportunity to learn and apply advanced lighting, posing, design and compositional techniques related to studio and commercial photography.  Students will also explore issues pertaining to the business of advertising, commercial and studio photography.
    Cross-listed: ART-464
    PreRequisite: ART 364 or MCOM 364
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 465 - Contemporary Issues in Photography

    Unique Course
    This course will give students the opportunity to practice advanced techniques in color, black and white and digital photography. Contemporary and historic issues concerning commercial and art photography will be explored through lecture and interactive instruction and research. Students will also plan and prepare a portfolio of professional caliber.
    Cross-listed: ART-465
    PreRequisite: ART 365 or MCOM 365
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 468 - Integrated News Lab I

    Unique Course
    Practical work experience in a converged news organization. Students will report and produce news for newspaper, magazine, radio, television and online outlets.
    PreRequisite: MCOM 317 and one of: ART 266 or MCOM 266, MCOM 305, MCOM 322, MCOM 327, MCOM 332
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 469 - Integrated News Lab II

    Unique Course
    Continued practical work experience in a converged news organization. Applied management skills in a cross-platform journalism context.
    PreRequisite: MCOM 468
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 475 - Public Relations

    Common Course Number & Description
    Interpreting institutional and industrial policies and programs to the public.
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 485 - Science Writing

    Common Course Number & Description
    This class explores the process of science writing and examines various kinds of science writing through readings, guest speakers, and writing assignments.  A key emphasis is how to present scientific information to a lay audience.
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 488 - Research Communication

    Unique Course
    This course will prepare students for writing formal and informal research papers, technical reports, and abstracts. Major emphasis is placed on the in-depth research or technical paper and the mastering of advanced research-writing skills.
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 490 - Seminar

    Common Course Number & Description
    A highly focused, and topical course. The format includes student presentations and discussions of reports based on literature, practices, problems, and research. Seminars may be conducted over electronic media such as internet and are at the upper division or graduate levels. Enrollment is generally limited to fewer than 20 students.
    1 to 3 semester hours
  • MCOM 491 - Independent Study

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.
    1 to 4 semester hours
  • MCOM 492 - Topics

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes current topics, advanced topics and special topics. A course devoted to a particular issue in a specified field. Course content is not wholly included in the regular curriculum. Guest artists or experts may serve as instructors. Enrollments are usually of 10 or fewer students with significant one-on-one student/teacher involvement.
    1 to 5 semester hours
  • MCOM 494 - Internship

    Common Course Number & Description
    Applied, monitored and supervised, field-based learning experience for which the student may or may not be paid. Students gain practical experience; they follow a negotiated and or directed plan of study. A higher level of supervision is provided by the instructor in these courses than is the case with field experience courses.
    1 to 12 semester hours
  • MCOM 495 - Practicum

    Common Course Number & Description
    Applied, monitored and supervised, field-based learning experience for which the student may or may not be paid. Students gain practical experience; they follow a negotiated and or directed plan of study. A higher level of supervision is provided by the instructor in these courses than is the case with field experience courses.
    1 to 4 semester hours

Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)

  • MFL 420 - K-12 Foreign Language Methods

    Common Course Number & Description
    Methods and materials for teaching modern languages in high school.
    3 semester hours
  • MFL 491 - Independent Study

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.
    1 to 5 semester hours

Management Information Systems (MIS)

  • MIS 105 - Introduction to Computers

    Common Course Number & Description
    Overview of computer applications with emphasis on word processing, spreadsheets, database, presentation tools and internet-based applications.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as CSC-105)
    3 semester hours
  • MIS 130 - Visual Basic Programming

    Common Course Number & Description
    Fundamentals of programming using Visual Basic. Focus on problem solving, visual design, and programming concepts. Topics include sequence, selection, repetition, procedures, and functions.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as CIS-130, CSC-130)
    3 semester hours
  • MIS 150 - Computer Science I

    Common Course Number & Description
    An introduction to computer programming. Focus on problem solving, algorithm development, design, and programming concepts. Topics include sequence, selection, repetition, functions, and arrays.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as CSC-150)
    3 semester hours
  • MIS 152 - Programming for the Web

    Unique Course
    This course focuses introduces students to the fundamental concepts of client-server architecture and provides them with the dynamic web programming technologies.  Key topics include web service architecture, HTML/XHTML, JavaScript, Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) Ajax, PHP, and MySQL.
    PreRequisite: MIS 105
    3 semester hours
  • MIS 205 - Advanced Computer Applications

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course covers selected topics in computer applications beyond the introductory level.  Items covered will vary depending on current trends and student needs.  The course emphasizes the efficient application of software to current problems in business and other areas.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as CSC-205)
    3 semester hours
  • MIS 210 - Web Authoring

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course focuses on techniques and methods for writing specifically for the Internet. Topics will include designing and creating documents for the World Wide Web, design considerations, and publishing and maintaining Web sites. Students will use HTML, Web authoring software, and other software for Web development.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as CSC-210)
    PreRequisite: MIS 205
    3 semester hours
  • MIS 225 - Data Management

    Unique Course
    This course introduces the student to the concepts, practice, and technology of database design and implementation.  Key topics include conceptual and logical database design, entity-relationship (ER) model, structured query language (SQL), database management systems (DBMS), and database applications and management issues in business.
    PreRequisite: MIS 205
    3 semester hours
  • MIS 250 - Computer Science II

    Common Course Number & Description
    Problem solving, algorithm design, standards of program style, debugging and testing. Extension of the control structures and data structures of the high-level language introduced in CSC 150. Elementary data structures and basic algorithms that include sorting and searching. Topics include more advanced treatment of functions, data types such as arrays and structures, and files.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as CSC-250)
    PreRequisite: MIS 150 or CSC 150
    3 semester hours
  • MIS 291 - Independent Study

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as CIS-291, CSC-291)
    1 to 5 semester hours
  • MIS 292 - Topics

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes current topics, advanced topics and special topics. A course devoted to a particular issue in a specified field. Course content is not wholly included in the regular curriculum. Guest artists or experts may serve as instructors. Enrollments are usually of 10 or fewer students with significant one-on-one student/teacher involvement.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered CIS-292, CSC-292)
    1 to 5 semester hours
  • MIS 325 - Management Information Systems

    Common Course Number & Description
    Introduction to the application of information technology in organizations, roles of managers and staff professionals in developing and using information systems with current and future technology.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as CIS-325, CSC-325)
    3 semester hours
  • MIS 332 - Structured System Analysis & Design

    Common Course Number & Description
    The study of the Systems Development Life Cycle, including strategies and techniques of structured analysis, planning and design, testing, and implementation is stressed. Case studies will be used along with hands-on application of concepts.
    PreRequisite: CIS 123 or CIS 130 or CSC 150 or CSC 205 or MIS 205
    3 semester hours
  • MIS 491 - Independent Study

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as CSC-491, CSC-491)
    1 to 4 semester hours
  • MIS 492 - Topics

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes current topics, advanced topics and special topics. A course devoted to a particular issue in a specified field. Course content is not wholly included in the regular curriculum. Guest artists or experts may serve as instructors. Enrollments are usually of 10 or fewer students with significant one-on-one student/teacher involvement.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as CIS-492, CSC-492)
    1 to 5 semester hours
  • MIS 494 - Internship

    Common Course Number & Description
    Applied, monitored and supervised, field-based learning experience for which the student may or may not be paid. Students gain practical experience; they follow a negotiated and or directed plan of study. A higher level of supervision is provided by the instructor in these courses than is the case with field experience courses.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as CIS-494, CSC-494)
    1 to 8 semester hours

Middle Level Education (MLED)

  • MLED 473 - Principles and Practices of Teaching Middle School

    Unique Course
    This course is designed to provide a bridge between knowledge of subject matter and the classroom teaching behaviors that successfully transmit that knowledge to younger adolescents. The focus of the course will be instructional design as it applies to learning environments for transcendent and the integrated delivery of that instruction in the content area classroom.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as MLED 573)
    Registration Restriction: Admitted to Teacher Education
    3 semester hours
  • MLED 480 - Middle Level Methods

    Common Course Number & Description
    Students develop the ability to design, deliver, and evaluate a variety of instructional strategies and processes that incorporate learning resources, materials, technologies, and state and national curriculum standards appropriate to the developmental characteristics of middle level learners; the ability to assess student learning in middle level; concepts of middle level education; and to apply these knowledge, skills, and attitudes to real life situations and experiences.
    Registration Restriction: Admitted to Teacher Education
    2 semester hours
  • MLED 488 - Middle School Student Teaching

    Unique Course
    Students prepare to teach in middle school. They will observe, participate and teach under the supervision of a cooperative teacher and a university supervisor. Must have completed all requirements for student teaching.
    Additional Fee: An additional Mandatory Fee applies to this course.
    Registration Restriction: Admitted to Teacher Education
    1 to 12 semester hours
  • MLED 491 - Independent Study

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.
    1 to 5 semester hours
  • MLED 495 - Practicum

    Common Course Number & Description
    Applied, monitored and supervised, field-based learning experience for which the student may or may not be paid. Students gain practical experience; they follow a negotiated and or directed plan of study. A higher level of supervision is provided by the instructor in these courses than is the case with field experience courses.
    Registration Restriction: Admitted to Teacher Education
    1 to 3 semester hours

Military Science (MSL)

  • MSL 101 - Introduction to the Army and Critical Thinking

    Common Course Number & Description
    Make your first peer group at college one committed to performing well and enjoying the experience. Increase self-confidence through team study and activities in basic map reading, physical fitness, rappelling, leadership reaction course, first aid, making presentations and basic marksmanship. Learn fundamental concepts of leadership in a profession in both classroom and outdoor laboratory environments.
    1 semester hours
  • MSL 101L - Leadership and Personal Development Lab

    Common Course Number & Description
    Designed to accompany MSL 101. Provides the students with hands-on experience to supplement and reinforce classroom instruction. Subjects addressed include drill and ceremonies, physical fitness training, marksmanship, first aid, rappelling and basic mountaineering skills. Voluntary off campus activities reinforce course work.
    1 semester hours
  • MSL 102 - Introduction to the Profession of Arms

    Common Course Number & Description
    Learn and apply principles of effective leadership. Reinforce self-confidence through participation in physically and mentally challenging exercise with upper-division ROTC students. Learn basic tactics and how to apply critical thinking to leadership situations. Develop communication skills to improve individual performance and group interaction. Relate organizational ethical values to the effectiveness of a leader.
    1 semester hours
  • MSL 102L - Introduction to Tactical Leadership Lab

    Common Course Number & Description
    Designed to accompany MSL 102. Provides the student with hands-on experience to supplement and reinforce classroom instruction. Subjects addressed include drill and ceremonies, physical fitness training, marksmanship, first aid, rappelling and basic mountaineering skills. Voluntary off campus activities reinforce course work.
    1 semester hours
  • MSL 201 - Leadership and Decision Making

    Common Course Number & Description
    Learn/apply ethics-based leadership skills that develop individual abilities and contribute to the building of effective teams of people. Develop skills in oral presentations, writing concisely, planning events, coordination of group efforts, advanced first aid, land navigation, and intermediate military tactics. Learn fundamentals of ROTC’s leadership assessment program.
    1 to 2 semester hours
  • MSL 201L - Innovative Team Leadership Lab

    Common Course Number & Description
    Students will develop leadership and management skills by being given the opportunity to perform duties in various leadership positions. Emphasis is placed on the development of leadership and managerial skills. Course is supplemented with instruction on the use of a lensatic compass and a topographic map, as well as various survival skills. Voluntary off campus activities reinforce course work.
    1 semester hours
  • MSL 202 - Army Doctrine and Team Development

    Common Course Number & Description
    Introduction to individual and team aspects of military tactics in small unit operations. Includes: the study of doctrine; philsophy of ethics; and effective communication and counseling. Practical exercises with upper-division ROTC students. Learn techniques for training others as an aspect of continued leadership development.
    1 to 2 semester hours
  • MSL 202L - Foundations of Tactical Leadership Lab

    Common Course Number & Description
    Students are provided the opportunity to reinforce classroom leadership and management training with practical experience. Students will also receive training in small unit tactics and use of the M-16 rifle. Voluntary off campus activities reinforce course work.
    1 semester hours

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