Sep 23, 2024  
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog 
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Course Descriptions


Art Education (ARTE)

  • ARTE 414 - K-12 Art Methods

    Common Course Number & Description
    Students develop an understanding of the tools of inquiry of K-12 art; the ability to design, deliver and evaluate a variety of instructional strategies and processes that incorporate learning resources, materials, technologies, and state and national curriculum standards appropriate to K-12 art; the ability to assess student learning in K-12 art; and to apply this knowledge, skills, and attitudes to real life situations and experiences.
    3 semester hours
  • ARTE 491 - Independent Study

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.
    1 to 9 semester hours

Art History (ARTH)

  • ARTH 100 - Art Appreciation

    Common Course Number & Description
    Explores the nature of art in various aesthetic, formal, and psychological dimensions, involving analysis of art objects for understanding, enjoyment, and life enhancement.
    3 semester hours
  • ARTH 121 - Introduction to the Visual Arts

    Unique Course
    This required course for all Art majors and minors is designed to provide an introductory understanding of the visual arts from early history to the present. The course may be used to meet a portion of the humanities general education requirements.
    3 semester hours
  • ARTH 165 - History of Photography

    Unique Course
    This course is designed to give students an in-depth understanding of both the aesthetic and technical aspects of the history of photography. The course will also explore the effect photography has had on society and culture as well as examine emerging technologies and the role these technologies will play in our lives.
    Cross-listed: MCOM-165
    3 semester hours
  • ARTH 211 - History of World Art I

    Common Course Number & Description
    Art and architecture in the historical and contextual development of the role of visual arts including crafts, drawing, painting, sculptures and architecture, in the historical and cultural development of world civilizations from prehistory through the 14th century.
    3 semester hours
  • ARTH 212 - History of World Art II

    Common Course Number & Description
    Art and architecture in the historical and contextual development. The role of visual art; including crafts, drawing, painting, sculpture, and architecture; in the historical and cultural development of world civilization from the renaissance through the 20th century.
    3 semester hours
  • ARTH 251 - American Indian Art History

    Common Course Number & Description
    Surveys American Indian art ranging from traditional to contemporary.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as AIS 251)
    3 semester hours
  • ARTH 291 - Independent Study

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.
    1 to 5 semester hours
  • ARTH 312 - History of Graphic Design

    Common Course Number & Description
    Art and design in the historical and contextual development of the role of graphic arts, including typography, advertising design, and multimedia design, in the historical and cultural development of world civilization from prehistory to the present.
    3 semester hours
  • ARTH 415 - Gallery Management

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course involves a study of the theory and practices of art gallery and museum operation.  The course emphasizes practical application and involves students directly in the operation of the University Art Galleries.
    3 semester hours
  • ARTH 456 - Recent Developments in Visual Arts

    Unique Course
    This course explores a number of in-depth topics on the visual arts from 1950 to the present. Awareness of cultural issues on local and international levels will be emphasized. This will be a writing intensive course with three major research papers. It also will include a studio component related to the research topics.
    PreRequisite: ARTH 121 + ARTH 211 + ARTH 212
    3 semester hours
  • ARTH 491 - Independent Study

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.
    1 to 9 semester hours

Business Administration (BADM)

  • BADM 101 - Survey of Business

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course is an introduction to the basic business disciplines and the organization and management of the American enterprise system. It also introduces students to the necessary college level skills of critical thinking, effective communication and cooperative and effective learning.
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 220 - Business Statistics

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course introduces students to basic statistical methods.  Topics, with computer applications, include: descriptive statistics, probability, distributions, sampling, estimation and index numbers with emphasis on applications in business and economics.
    PreRequisite: MATH 102 or MATH 104 or MATH 114 or MATH 115 or MATH 120 or MATH 121 or MATH 123 or MATH 125 or MATH 281
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 280 - Personal Finance

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course is a survey of individual investment opportunities.  Topics include common and preferred stocks and corporate bonds, auto, life, and health insurance, home ownership, and will and estate planning.
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 292 - Topics

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes current topics, advanced topics and special topics. A course devoted to a particular issue in a specified field. Course content is not wholly included in the regular curriculum. Guest artists or experts may serve as instructors. Enrollments are usually of 10 or fewer students with significant one-on-one student/teacher involvement.
    1 to 3 semester hours
  • BADM 294 - Internship

    Common Course Number & Description
    Applied, monitored and supervised, field-based learning experience for which the student may or may not be paid. Students gain practical experience; they follow a negotiated and or directed plan of study. A higher level of supervision is provided by the instructor in these courses than is the case in field experience courses.
    1 to 12 semester hours
  • BADM 310 - Business Finance

    Common Course Number & Description
    Business finance is an overview of financial theory including the time value of money, capital budgeting, capital structure theory, dividend policies, asset pricing, risk and return, the efficient markets hypothesis, bond and stock valuation, business performance evaluation and other financial topics.
    PreRequisite: ACCT 211
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 320 - Quantitative Decision Analysis

    Unique Course
    Markovation of quantitative techniques to business situations. Among the techniques included are: rate-of-change analysis of revenue and cost functions, linear programming, transportation algorithm, PERT/CPM analysis, Markov Chain, Monte Carlo simulation, exponential smoothing, time- series trend analysis and queuing theory.
    PreRequisite: MATH 102 or MATH 104 or MATH 114 or MATH 115 or MATH 120 or MATH 121 or MATH 123 or MATH 125 or MATH 216 or MATH 281
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 321 - Business Statistics II

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course focuses on statistical inference and forecasting. Topics, with business applications, includes hypothesis testing, analysis of variance, correlation, simple linear and multiple regression and time series analysis. Utilization of statistical software is emphasized.
    PreRequisite: BADM 220 or MATH 281 or STAT 281
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 334 - Small Business Management

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course applies business policies and procedures to the small business environment. As such, it is designed for students contemplating management or ownership of a small business. Topics include the nature of the entrepreneur, financing and ownership options, marketing, government regulations, taxation, inventory control and other relevant business functions.
    PreRequisite: BADM 360 or BADM 369
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 336 - Entrepreneurship I

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course is an introduction to the concepts, terminology, and process of new venture creation, operations and growth, as well as the introduction of entrepreneurial management practices into existing businesses. This course will assist in the identification of entrepreneurial opportunities and strategies and the role of personal factors (including creativity). Legal, ethical, and social responsibilities are emphasized.
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 344 - Managerial Communications

    Common Course Number & Description
    This advanced writing course is designed to assist students with the development and refinement of their communication skills. It stresses the factors underlying the composition of managerial communications, including organizational structure, reader analysis, and content quality for letters and memoranda, informational and analytical reports, and grant proposals.
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 350 - Legal Environment of Business

    Common Course Number & Description
    This is a study of legal topics as they apply to the business environment. Topics include an introduction to the law, the U.S. Court system, legal process, government regulation, and criminal, tort, and contract issues.
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 351 - Business Law

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course involves a thorough study of the law of contracts, sales, product liability, agency, corporations and other selected topics.
    PreRequisite: BADM 350 or BLAW 350
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 360 - Organization and Management

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course is a study of management, including the planning, direction, controlling and coordinating of the various activities involved in operating a business enterprise.
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 369 - Organizational Behavior & Theory

    Common Course Number & Description
    Organizational behavior and theory is a basic course in the organizing activities of people in groups. The emphasis is on organizational behavior, including the study of interpersonal behavior, motivation, group dynamics, and the methods of coordination, design, change, and adaptation within an organization.
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 370 - Marketing

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course introduces the student to the basic concepts and practices of modern marketing. Topics include marketing and its linkages to business, consumer behavior, marketing research, strategy and planning, product and pricing decisions, distributions and promotion decisions, marketing management, and evaluation and control aspects for both consumer and industrial goods.
    PreRequisite: ECON 201
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 372 - Advertising

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course is a survey of advertising principles including advertising terminology, communication processes, advertising agencies, media, and ad copy and layout elements.
    PreRequisite: BADM 370 or ECON 370 or MKTG 370
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 407 - International Business

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course provides a basic understanding of the challenges and opportunities involved in the operation of international enterprises. Major points of discussion include the economic and political influences on operations, as well as other selected topics.
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 411 - Investments

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course is a thorough study of the equity market including fundamental valuation techniques, asset allocation, the efficient markets hypothesis and its implications, portfolio theory, risk and return, the primary and secondary market mechanisms, security market indicators, and international investing. An overview of the bond market including bond valuation, duration, and bond portfolio management, and an introduction to options, futures, and forward contracts are provided. The vital roles of computer technology and electronic trading are also explored.
    PreRequisite: BADM 310 or FIN 310
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 413 - Advanced Corporate Finance

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course utilizes a combination of cases and theory in studying the investment, financing and dividend decisions of the firm. The emphasis is on long-term debt and equity financing as well as managing financial risk.
    PreRequisite: BADM 310 or FIN 310
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 425 - Production/Operations Management

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course studies the basic tools of operations management with emphasis on decision-making models in production and planning. Such topics as decision theory, production planning and control, inventory control, materials requirement planning, project management, and quality control are covered.
    PreRequisite: (BADM 220 or MATH 281 or STAT 281) + BADM 321
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 431 - Risk Analysis and Insurance

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course is a study of the management of non-speculative risks and the management devices available for dealing with them. Emphasis is place on insurance as a tool for managing risks by individuals and businesses.
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 438 - Entrepreneurship II

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course focuses on the process of screening an opportunity, drafting a personal entrepreneurial strategy, and understanding the business plan writing process. Building the entrepreneurial team and the acquisition and management of financial resources are emphasized along with venture growth, harvest strategies, and valuation.
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 457 - Business Ethics

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course is a study of the ethical implications of managerial decisions. Topics covered include the responsibility of the organization to the individual and society, the role of the individual within the organization, and ethical systems for American business. The course provides an examination and assessment of current American business practices.
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 464 - Organizational Behavior

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course is a study of individuals and groups. Traditional organization theory and concepts are presented and study is given to motivation, group dynamics, and methods of coordination, change, and adaptation within an organization.
    PreRequisite: BADM 360
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 465 - Integrated Marketing Communications

    Unique Course
    This is a strategic approach to developing synergy between the various communication tools available to companies. Students will examine the use of advertising, personal selling, sales promotions, and public relations. The impact of Internet communications will also be addressed. Students will learn how these tools may be used together to develop strategies for communicating with consumers, publics, suppliers, companies within distribution systems, and business-to-business markets within the global marketplace.
    PreRequisite: BADM 370 or ECON 370 or MKTG 370
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 471 - Marketing Management

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course is a study of the field of marketing and the influences that affect marketing strategy. The focus is on the methods that marketing managers use to develop and evaluate marketing mix decisions.
    PreRequisite: BADM 370 or ECON 370 or MKTG 370
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 473 - Retail Management

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course is a study of competitive structure, trade area analysis, site selection, merchandise planning and control, pricing, buying, credit policy and research. Managerial problems concerning the planning and operation of retail facilities are emphasized.
    PreRequisite: BADM 370 or ECON 370 or MKTG 370
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 474 - Personal Selling

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course is a study of the skills needed to develop and manage long-term relationships with customers and suppliers. Emphasis is placed on relationship selling, presentation, prospecting, handling objectives and closing techniques with consideration given to differences in the global marketplace.
    PreRequisite: BADM 370 or ECON 370 or MKTG 370
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 475 - Consumer Behavior

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course is a study of the various factors that influence consumers in their decisions relative to buying, using and disposing of goods, services and ideas. The course examines concepts and theories from the behavioral sciences and analyzes their application in developing marketing strategies.
    PreRequisite: BADM 370 or ECON 370 or MKTG 370
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 476 - Marketing Research

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course provides an in-depth study of the primary methodologies of marketing research. Emphasis is places on collecting, analyzing, interpreting and presenting information for the purpose of reducing uncertainty surrounding marketing and management decisions.
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 482 - Business Policy and Strategy

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course is designed to develop an understanding of strategy formulation, implementation, and evaluation. It involves integrating all functional areas of business, analyzing the environment in which the firm operates, and choosing strategies that enable the firm to meet its objectives.
    PreRequisite: (BADM 310 or FIN 310) +(BADM 350 or BLAW 350) + (BADM 370 or ECON 370 or MKTG 370) + (BADM 360 or BADM 369)
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 489 - Business Plan Writing and Competition

    Common Course Number & Description
    Students will write a business plan and present it to a panel of faculty and business community members. The top three business plan presenters will move on to a statewide competition.
    1 semester hours
  • BADM 490 - Seminar

    Common Course Number & Description
    A highly focused, and topical course. The format includes student presentations and discussions of reports based on literature, practices, problems, and research. Seminars may be conducted over electronic media such as internet and are at the upper division or graduate levels. Enrollment is generally limited to fewer than 20 students.
    3 semester hours
  • BADM 491 - Independent Study

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.
    1 to 4 semester hours
  • BADM 492 - Topics

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes current topics, advanced topics and special topics. A course devoted to a particular issue in a specified field. Course content is not wholly included in the regular curriculum. Guest artists or experts may serve as instructors. Enrollments are usually of 10 or fewer students with significant one-on-one student/teacher involvement.
    1 to 4 semester hours
  • BADM 494 - Internship

    Common Course Number & Description
    Applied, monitored and supervised, field-based learning experience for which the student may or may not be paid. Students gain practical experience; they follow a negotiated and or directed plan of study. A higher level of supervision is provided by the instructor in these courses than is the case with field experience courses.
    1 to 12 semester hours

Business Education (BED)

  • BED 480 - 7-12 Business Education Methods

    Unique Course
    Students develop an understanding of the tools of inquiry of business; the ability to design, deliver, and evaluate a variety of instructional strategies and processes that incorporate learning resources, materials, technologies, and state and national curriculum standards appropriate to business; the ability to assess student learning in business; and to apply these knowledge, skills, and attitudes to real life situations and experiences.
    Registration Restriction: Admitted to Teacher Education
    3 semester hours
  • BED 491 - Independent Study

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.
    1 to 5 semester hours

Biology (BIOL)

  • BIOL 101 - Biology Survey I

    Common Course Number & Description
    Study of the nature, diversity, and classification of life, ecology, cells and cell cycles, Mendelian and modern genetics evolution and evolution theory. Intended for those not majoring in biology.
    3 semester hours
  • BIOL 101L - Biology Survey I Lab

    Common Course Number & Description
    Laboratory experience that accompanies BIOL 101.
    1 semester hours
  • BIOL 103 - Biology Survey II

    Common Course Number & Description
    Study of energetics; plant growth; development and reproduction; animal structure and function. Intended for those not majoring in biology.
    CoRequisite: BIOL 103L
    3 semester hours
  • BIOL 103L - Biology Survey II Lab

    Common Course Number & Description
    Laboratory experience that accompanies BIOL 103.
    CoRequisite: BIOL 103
    1 semester hours
  • BIOL 121 - Basic Anatomy

    Common Course Number & Description
    Anatomy of the human body to include basic biological principles and medical nomenclature. This course is specifically designed for students in the pre-nursing curriculum.
    3 semester hours
  • BIOL 121L - Basic Anatomy Lab

    Common Course Number & Description
    Laboratory experience that accompanies BIOL 121.
    1 semester hours
  • BIOL 123 - Basic Physiology

    Unique Course
    The physiology of the human body. This course is specifically designed for students in a pre-nursing curriculum.
    3 semester hours
  • BIOL 123L - Basic Physiology Lab

    Common Course Number & Description
    Laboratory exercises to accompany BIOL 123 including non-invasive experimentation and computer demonstration materials.
    1 semester hours
  • BIOL 151 - General Biology I

    Common Course Number & Description
    The introductory course for those majoring in biology and microbiology. Presents the concepts or cell biology, evolution, heredity, molecular genetics and ecology.
    3 semester hours
  • BIOL 151L - General Biology I Lab

    Common Course Number & Description
    Laboratory experience that accompanies BIOL 151.
    1 semester hours
  • BIOL 153 - General Biology II

    Common Course Number & Description
    A continuation of BIOL 151, the introductory course for those majoring in biology and microbiology. Presents the concepts of animal and plant structure and function, energetics, and reproduction.
    3 semester hours
  • BIOL 153L - General Biology II Lab

    Common Course Number & Description
    Laboratory experience that accompanies BIOL 153.
    1 semester hours
  • BIOL 160 - Natural History of the Black Hills

    Unique Course
    Introduction to the natural history of the Black Hills and Great Plains, including flora, fauna, and physical environments; topical coverage includes plant and animal species identification, major habitats and ecological communities, and natural resources. Field trips to local natural areas will illustrate concepts presented in lecture.
    2 semester hours
  • BIOL 231 - General Microbiology

    Common Course Number & Description
    Principles of basic and applied microbiology.
    PreRequisite: CHEM 106 or CHEM 112
    3 semester hours
  • BIOL 231L - General Microbiology Lab

    Common Course Number & Description
    Laboratory experience that accompanies BIOL 231.
    1 semester hours
  • BIOL 286 - Medical Word Origins

    Unique Course
    This course is a study of the composition of scientific terminology, with an emphasis on medical language. It is specifically designed to prepare students for continued study in health professional or graduate school programs.
    3 semester hours
  • BIOL 291 - Independent Study

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.
    1 to 4 semester hours
  • BIOL 301 - Plant Systematics

    Common Course Number & Description
    Principles of phylogeny, classification, nomenclature, evolution; demonstrations, field study and laboratory practice in collection, preserving, and identifying plants.
    PreRequisite: BIOL 151 or BIOL 153
    CoRequisite: BIOL 301L
    3 semester hours
  • BIOL 301L - Plant Systematics Lab

    Common Course Number & Description
    Laboratory experience that accompanies BIOL 301.
    CoRequisite: BIOL 301
    1 semester hours
  • BIOL 302 - Animal Behavior

    Common Course Number & Description
    Animal behavior from many aspects, including communication, social organization, orientation, imprinting, courtship and mating, agonistic behavior, control systems, and the evolution of behavioral patterns.
    PreRequisite: BIOL 151 + BIOL 153
    3 semester hours
  • BIOL 311 - Principles of Ecology

    Common Course Number & Description
    Basic principles of ecology including the sub disciplines of physiological ecology, population ecology, community ecology, evolutionary ecology, and ecosystems ecology from both a theoretical and applied aspect.
    PreRequisite: BIOL 151 or BIOL 153
    3 semester hours
  • BIOL 311L - Principles of Ecology Lab

    Common Course Number & Description
    Laboratory experience that accompanies BIOL 311.
    1 semester hours
  • BIOL 317 - Electron Microscopy

    Unique Course
    Theoretical concepts and practical applications of light and scanning electron microscopy are studied.
    2 semester hours
  • BIOL 317L - Electron Microscopy Lab

    Unique Course
    The student will receive individual instruction on the electron microscope. Completion of a research project is required.
    CoRequisite: BIOL 317
    1 semester hours
  • BIOL 321 - Conservation of Natural Resources

    Unique Course
    This is a study of the history of the exploitation of our renewable and non-renewable resources, and the contemporary practices used in their conservation.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as GEOL 321)
    PreRequisite: BIOL 153 + BIOL 153L
    3 semester hours
  • BIOL 325 - Physiology

    Common Course Number & Description
    Basic cell physiology, neural, hormonal and neuroendocrine control systems. Coordinated body functions.
    PreRequisite: (BIOL 151 or BIOL 153 or BIOL 221) + (CHEM 106 or CHEM 112)
    CoRequisite: BIOL 325L
    3 semester hours
  • BIOL 325L - Physiology Lab

    Common Course Number & Description
    Laboratory experience that accompanies BIOL 325.
    CoRequisite: BIOL 325
    1 semester hours
  • BIOL 331 - Microbiology

    Common Course Number & Description
    This will be a study of the morphology and physiology of representatives of various groups of microorganisms, with emphasis on bacteria.
    PreRequisite: BIOL 151
    CoRequisite: BIOL 331L
    3 semester hours
  • BIOL 331L - Microbiology Lab

    Common Course Number & Description
    Laboratory experience that accompanies BIOL 331.
    CoRequisite: BIOL 331
    1 semester hours
  • BIOL 343 - Cell and Molecular Biology

    Common Course Number & Description
    Studies of structure, molecular composition, physiology, heredity and growth of cells form the contents of this course.
    PreRequisite: BIOL 151
    CoRequisite: BIOL 343L
    3 semester hours
  • BIOL 343L - Cell and Molecular Biology Lab

    Common Course Number & Description
    Students will use practical applications and demonstrations to reinforce the lectures and discussions of BIOL 343.
    CoRequisite: BIOL 343
    1 semester hours
  • BIOL 355 - Mammalogy

    Common Course Number & Description
    Identification of game, fur bearing, and small mammals; taxonomy of these groups, life histories and habits, preparation of study skins and skeletons; special reference to those occurring in Northern Great Plains area.
    PreRequisite: BIOL 151 or BIOL 153
    CoRequisite: BIOL 355L
    3 semester hours
  • BIOL 355L - Mammalogy Lab

    Common Course Number & Description
    Laboratory experience that accompanies BIOL 355.
    CoRequisite: BIOL 355
    1 semester hours
  • BIOL 357 - Invertebrate Zoology

    Common Course Number & Description
    A systematic study of the invertebrates, including their physical characteristics, relationships, life histories, and economic importance makes up the course.
    PreRequisite: BIOL 153
    CoRequisite: BIOL 357L
    3 semester hours
  • BIOL 357L - Invertebrate Zoology Lab

    Common Course Number & Description
    Laboratory experience that accompanies BIOL 357.
    CoRequisite: BIOL 357
    1 semester hours
  • BIOL 360 - Silviculture & Forest Management

    Unique Course
    Focus on forest tree and stand ecology, silviculture concepts, applications and implications for management of forest stand composition and development.
    PreRequisite: BIOL 153 
    CoRequisite: BIOL 360L
    3 semester hours
  • BIOL 360L - Silviculture & Forest Management Lab

    Unique Course
    Laboratory experience that accompanies BIOL 360.
    CoRequisite: BIOL 360
    1 semester hours
  • BIOL 371 - Genetics

    Common Course Number & Description
    Principles governing the nature, transmission and function of hereditary material with application to plants, animals, humans, and microorganisms.
    PreRequisite: BIOL 101 or BIOL 151
    3 semester hours
  • BIOL 371L - Genetics Lab

    Common Course Number & Description
    Laboratory experience that accompanies BIOL 371
    1 semester hours
  • BIOL 373 - Evolution

    Common Course Number & Description
    Surveys evidence for biological evolution and the historical development of evolutionary theory, and examines genetic and other mechanisms responsible for life’s diversity.
    PreRequisite: BIOL 151 or BIOL 153
    3 semester hours
  • BIOL 373L - Evolution Lab

    Common Course Number & Description
    Laboratory experiences to complement the lectures and discussions in BIOL 373 make up this course.
    1 semester hours
  • BIOL 381 - Vertebrate Anatomy

    Unique Course
    This is a study of the anatomy of the vertebrates with emphasis on the mammals.
    3 semester hours
  • BIOL 381L - Vertebrate Anatomy Laboratory

    Unique Course
    Dissection experiences complement the lecture and discussion of BIOL 381.
    CoRequisite: BIOL 381
    1 semester hours
  • BIOL 405 - Entomology

    Common Course Number & Description
    An introduction to the general biology and classification of insects.  Course emphasis placed on taxonomy, methods of identification, and ecological role of insects.  Students will become familiar with basic insect anatomy and morphology, classification of the order level with exemplary families that include Taxa of agricultural or environmental interest, and acquire an ability to sight recognize particular species that have agricultural, environmental, wildlife, and human/livestock health importance.  Field trips and a collection are required.
    PreRequisite: Minimum grade C in BIOL 151
    3 semester hours
  • BIOL 405L - Entomology Lab

    Common Course Number & Description
    Laboratory experience that accompanies BIOL-405.
    1 semester hours
  • BIOL 415 - Mycology

    Common Course Number & Description
    Comprehensive taxonomic survey of the Kingdom Fungi; reproductive biology, physiology, genetics, and ecology of fungal organisms; relationship of fungi to human affairs.
    PreRequisite: BIOL 101 or BIOL 103 or BIOL 151 or BIOL 153
    CoRequisite: BIOL 415L
    3 semester hours
  • BIOL 415L - Mycology Lab

    Common Course Number & Description
    Laboratory experience that accompanies BIOL 415.
    CoRequisite: BIOL 415
    1 semester hours
  • BIOL 422 - Immunology

    Common Course Number & Description
    Immunology and immunochemistry, mechanisms of immunologic injury, and their application to clinical immunobiology. Serological techniques for detecting and measuring the presence of antigens or antibodies in specimens and production of immune serum.
    PreRequisite: BIOL 151 + (CHEM 106 or CHEM 112)
    CoRequisite: BIOL 422L
    3 semester hours

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