Sep 23, 2024  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog 
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Course Descriptions


Health Education (HLTH)

  • HLTH 495 - Practicum

    Common Course Number & Description
    Applied, monitored and supervised, field-based learning experience for which the student may or may not be paid. Students gain practical experience; they follow a negotiated and or directed plan of study. A higher level of supervision is provided by the instructor in these courses than is the case with field experience courses.
    1 semester hours

Human Services (HMS)

  • HMS 200 - Introduction to Human Service

    Unique Course
    This survey course will examine the history of human services, the theory and philosophy of human services, the types of human services that currently exist, and the various methods used to deliver human services.
    3 semester hours
  • HMS 291 - Independent Study

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.
    1 to 5 semester hours
  • HMS 300 - Interviewing/Crisis Intervention

    Unique Course
    An introduction to the theory, purpose, skills and processes of interviewing and crisis intervention, the course will emphasize the research and theory through readings, lectures, videos, and discussion. The processes and skills will be learned through a variety of practical application exercises.
    PreRequisite: HMS 200
    3 semester hours
  • HMS 351 - Case Management

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course provides students with skills, knowledge, and values related to effective case management in the human services. Specifically, the following topics related to case management are addressed: ethics in case management, cultural competence, effective communication and interviewing, and service planning.
    3 semester hours
  • HMS 400 - Program Planning & Evaluation

    Unique Course
    This course is designed to involve the student in planning and evaluating human services programs. Topics included are: community needs assessment, involvement and motivation of program personnel, development of program objectives, use of advisory committees, sources of funds, uses of research data, development of evaluation criteria and techniques and implementation of plans.
    PreRequisite: HMS 200
    3 semester hours
  • HMS 491 - Independent Study

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.
    1 to 5 semester hours
  • HMS 492 - Topics

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes current topics, advanced topics and special topics. A course devoted to a particular issue in a specified field. Course content is not wholly included in the regular curriculum. Guest artists or experts may serve as instructors. Enrollments are usually of 10 or fewer students with significant one-on-one student/teacher involvement.
    1 to 3 semester hours
  • HMS 494 - Internship

    Common Course Number & Description
    Applied, monitored and supervised, field-based learning experience for which the student may or may not be paid. Students gain practical experience; they follow a negotiated and or directed plan of study. A higher level of supervision is provided by the instructor in this course.
    1 to 6 semester hours

Honors (HON)

  • HON 301 - Honors Colloquium

    Unique Course
    History of ideas.
    Note: May be repeated once.
    1 to 4 semester hours
  • HON 302 - Honors Colloquium

    Unique Course
    The Arts.
    Note: May be repeated once.
    1 to 4 semester hours
  • HON 303 - Honors Colloquium

    Unique Course
    The Social Sciences.
    Note: May be repeated once.
    1 to 4 semester hours
  • HON 304 - Honors Colloquium

    Unique Course
    History and/or Philosophy of Science.
    Note: May be repeated once.
    1 to 4 semester hours
  • HON 491 - Independent Study

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.
    1 to 12 semester hours
  • HON 498 - Undergraduate Research/Scholarship

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes Senior Project, and Capstone Experience. Independent research problems/projects or scholarship activities. The plan of study is negotiated by the faculty member and the student. Contact between the two may be extensive and intensive. Does not include research courses which are theoretical.
    1 to 12 semester hours

Human Resources Management (HRM)

  • HRM 452 - Human Resource Information Systems & Workforce Analytics

    Unique Course
    Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) are specialized computer applications designed to support the HR function.  Applications include compensation, benefits and payroll systems, applicant tracking and hiring management systems, performance management systems, workforce planning tools, and computer-based training.  Workforce analytics describes the statistical methods used to inform management decision making by transforming HRIS data into useful information and decision support.
    PreRequisite: BADM 460 or HRM 460
    3 semester hours
  • HRM 456 - Employment Law and Policy

    Unique Course
    This course reviews the precepts of equal employment law as they relate to the various functions of human resource management. These include state and federal statutes, amendments, court decisions and agency regulations; affirmative action programs; reverse discrimination; and other issues of discrimination law.
    3 semester hours
  • HRM 460 - Human Resource Management

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course provides a survey of managerial practices with respect to the management of the human resource function and an introduction to the topic of human resource management as an occupational choice. Major areas of inquiry include recruitment and selection, training and development, compensation and benefits administration, and work force integration and maintenance.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as BADM-460)
    PreRequisite: BADM 360 or MGMT 360 or BADM 369 or AGEC 371
    3 semester hours
  • HRM 461 - Personnel Planning & Selection

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course teaches students how to assess current staffing requirements, project future staffing needs, and create effective plans for meeting those needs. Emphasis is placed on critically evaluating and implementing various staffing strategies regarding recruitment, selection measures and processes, and the evolving legal environment.
    PreRequisite: HRM 460 or BADM 460
    3 semester hours
  • HRM 465 - Compensation Management

    Unique Course
    Emphasis will be placed on the development and administration of equitable compensation and benefit programs. Examined are job evaluation techniques, pay structures, salary surveys, individual and group compensation systems, executive pay, and benefits administration. Students will also be introduced to computer applications in compensation management.
    PreRequisite: BADM 460 or HRM 460
    3 semester hours
  • HRM 466 - Training and Development

    Common Course Number & Description
    Training and Development provides an in-depth look at practices related to the structure, the methods, and the use of technology for the training of employees.  Students will apply learning theories in the development and implementation of a strategic employee training system.
    PreRequisite: BADM 460 or HRM 460
    3 semester hours
  • HRM 468 - Negotiations & Conflict/Dispute Resolution

    Unique Course
    This course explores negotiation and conflict/dispute resolution techniques and practices in interpersonal, work-related, community, business, and international settings. Topics include the various forms of alternative dispute resolution: Negotiation, arbitration, mediation, early neutral evaluation, mini-trial, etc. The course provides guidance in handling the inevitable disputes that arise in the operation of every enterprise and in one’s day-to-day interactions.
    3 semester hours
  • HRM 491 - Independent Study

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes Directed Study, Problems, Readings, Directed Readings, Special Problems, and Special Projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.
    1 to 3 semester hours
  • HRM 492 - Topics

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes current topics, advanced topics and special topics. A course devoted to a particular issue in a specified field. Course content is no wholly included in the regular curriculum. Guest artists or experts may serve as instructors. Enrollments are usually of 10 or fewer students with significant one-on-one student/teacher involvement.
    1 to 3 semester hours
  • HRM 494 - Internship

    Common Course Number & Description
    Applied, monitored and supervised, field-based learning experience for which the student may or may not be paid. Students gain practical experience; they follow a negotiated and or directed plan of study. A higher level of supervision is provided by the instructor in these courses than is the case with Field Experience courses.
    1 to 6 semester hours

Humanities (HUM)

  • HUM 100 - Introduction to Humanities

    Common Course Number & Description
    This interdisciplinary course introduces students to humanistic knowledge, inquiry, and values by focusing on connections among humanities disciplines (such as art, languages, literature, music, philosophy, and religion).
    3 semester hours
  • HUM 291 - Independent Study

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.
    1 to 5 semester hours
  • HUM 387 - Western Religions

    Unique Course
    This class is designed as an introduction to the religions originating in the Near East, focusing on Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The course is not comparative relations but rather an opportunity to explore the three major religions of the Western world in the context of their individual histories and theologies.
    3 semester hours
  • HUM 388 - Readings in Nonwestern Religions

    Unique Course
    This class is designed to examine non-western religions with the intent of better understanding the cultures and peoples that we now view as esoteric. It should be noted that this is not a class in comparative religions but rather an opportunity to explore a religion in the context of its own culture.
    3 semester hours
  • HUM 428 - American Sign Language I

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course introduces students to American Sign Language (ASL), including practice with basic conversation, grammatical forms (topic-comment, questions, negatives), vocabulary, spatial relations, visual-gestural communications, non-manual signs, finger spelling and numbering. Norms, values, social rules and traditions in American Deaf Culture are emphasized.
    Cross-listed: DCOM 428
    3 semester hours
  • HUM 491 - Independent Study

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.
    1 to 4 semester hours

Indian Education (INED)

  • INED 411 - South Dakota Indian Studies

    Common Course Number & Description
    A basic knowledge of Indian history with emphasis on the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota speaking people. Current cultural issues are presented including values, family structures, traditional religion, fine arts, legends, economics, governmental policies, treaties, acts and related areas. Focuses on teaching methods, content and materials to equip students to teach bi-culturally.
    3 semester hours
  • INED 491 - Independent Study

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.
    1 to 5 semester hours

Lakota (LAKL)

  • LAKL 101 - Introductory Lakota I

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course is an introduction to the Lakota language.  Emphasis is placed on the basic sounds of the Lakota language, correct pronunciation, and orthography used to represent those sounds.  The course includes a focus on male/female speech patterns, kinship terms, other ordinary environmental and cultural contexts, and basic sentence structure.  Language tables are used to enhance fluency in conversational Lakota.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as AIS 101)
    4 semester hours
  • LAKL 102 - Introductory Lakota II

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course is a continuation of the Lakota language in both written and oral forms.  Emphasis is placed on pronunciation, a more extended examination of grammar, expanded vocabulary, and continued practice in reading, writing, and speaking Lakota.  Language tables are used to enhance fluency in conversational Lakota.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as AIS 102)
    PreRequisite: LAKL 101 or AIS 101
    4 semester hours
  • LAKL 201 - Intermediate Lakota I

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course is an advanced course that builds on the introductory Lakota language courses.  Students will learn advanced grammar and Lakota literacy with an emphasis on verb conjugation, composition of sentences, and an analysis of Lakota/Dakota language texts.  Language tables are used to enhance fluency in Lakota speaking skills.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as AIS-201)
    PreRequisite: (AIS 101 or LAKL 101) + (AIS 102 or LAKL 102)
    3 semester hours
  • LAKL 202 - Intermediate Lakota II

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course is a continuation of teaching grammar and Lakota literacy with an emphasis on verb conjugation, composition of sentences, and further in-depth analysis of Lakota/Dakota language texts.  Language tables are used to enhance fluency in Lakota speaking skills.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as AIS-202)
    PreRequisite: (AIS 101 or LAKL 101) + (AIS 102 or LAKL 102)
    3 semester hours

Library Media (LIBM)

  • LIBM 205 - Children’s Literature

    Common Course Number & Description
    An introduction to children’s literature with emphasis on historical types of literature; selection and evaluation of books according to levels, interests, special needs, and educational objectives.
    2 semester hours
  • LIBM 291 - Independent Study

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.
    1 to 5 semester hours
  • LIBM 305 - Children’s and Young Adult Literature

    Unique Course
    This is an introductory course for both children's and young adult literature. Content will emphasize selection and evaluation of books according to levels, interest, special needs and educational objectives.
    3 semester hours
  • LIBM 404 - Reference Resources

    Unique Course
    This course explores aspects of information retrieval in regard to the needs of the library customer. A variety of print and electronic library resources and search strategies will be reviewed. (was LIBM 306)
    3 semester hours
  • LIBM 406 - Adolescent Literature

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course focuses on authors and the basic genres of literature for young adults with analysis of literary quality, book selection, adolescent needs and reading interests. This course also includes discussion of censorship, current publication practices and methods of generating reading interests among young adults.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as ENGL 406)
    3 semester hours
  • LIBM 408 - Collection Development

    Unique Course
    A study of theories and practical aspects of print and electronic collection development and management for libraries. Includes library assessment, selection, evaluation, and policy making.
    2 semester hours
  • LIBM 409 - Library Methods

    Unique Course
    This course is an introduction to a wide variety of library activities for school and public libraries that will incorporate collaboration with teachers, implementation of common core state standards and social media.
    2 semester hours
  • LIBM 421 - Management of the Library Media Center

    Unique Course
    This course includes the principles of administration of the library media center. Some of the areas studied are the standards of media centers, the media center as an educational force, library practices, personnel management, supervision and evaluation of staff, and budgeting. (was LIBM 321)
    3 semester hours
  • LIBM 443 - Information: Organization, Retrieval, & Discovery

    Unique Course
    Organization and access to information is the central theme.  Students will examine: systems and theories of organization; cataloging and classification; subject access, indexing, and metadata; information seeking behavior; and designing access to information.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as LIBM-543)
    2 semester hours
  • LIBM 491 - Independent Study

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.
    1 to 5 semester hours
  • LIBM 492 - Topics

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes current topics, advanced topics and special topics. A course devoted to a particular issue in a specified field. Course content is not wholly included in the regular curriculum. Guest artists or experts may serve as instructors. Enrollments are usually of 10 or fewer students with significant one-on-one student/teacher involvement.
    1 to 4 semester hours
  • LIBM 495 - Practicum

    Common Course Number & Description
    Applied, monitored and supervised, field-based learning experience for which the student may or may not be paid. Students gain practical experience; they follow a negotiated and or directed plan of study. A higher level of supervision is provided by the instructor in these courses than is the case with field experience courses.
    PreRequisite: LIBM 404 + LIBM 421 + LIBM 408 + LIBM 443
    1 to 3 semester hours

Linguistics (LING)

  • LING 403 - Introduction to Linguistics

    Common Course Number & Description
    History of linguistics and basic principles of its subareas.  Prerequisite to all other linguistic courses.
    3 semester hours
  • LING 491 - Independent Study

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.
    1 to 5 semester hours

Mathematics (MATH)

  • MATH 021 - Basic Algebra

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course prepares students for college level mathematics. Topics generally include: basic properties of real numbers, exponents & radicals, rectangular coordinate geometry, solutions to linear and quadratic equations, inequalities, polynomials, and factoring. Students may also be introduced to functions and systems of equations. Note: This is remedial level course and no credit for MATH 021 will be granted for graduation.
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 093 - Algebra: Quantitative Literacy

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course provides supplemental instruction in algebra to students co-enrolled in a quantitative literacy course. Algebraic topics are sequenced in a manner that supports the needs of the co-requisite quantitative literacy course.
    CoRequisite: MATH 103
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 095 - Pre-College Algebra

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course prepares students for college level mathematics.  Topics include basic properties of real numbers, exponents & radicals, rectangular coordinate geometry, solutions to linear and quadratic equations, systems of equations, inequalities, polynomials, factoring, rational expressions and equations, radical expressions and equations, and an introduction to functions such as polynomial, exponential and logarithmic functions.  Note:  This is a remedial level course.  No credit for MATH 905 will be granted for graduation.
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 101 - Intermediate Algebra

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course includes basic properties of real numbers. Topics generally include linear equations and inequalities, quadratic equations, systems of equations, polynomials and factoring, rational expressions and equations, radical expressions and equations, and an introduction to functions.
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 103 - Mathematical Reasoning

    Common Course Number & Description
    In this course, students will work with authentic problems to develop logical, critical thinking, and mathematical skills. The student will build a cultural appreciation for the relevant and meaningful role that mathematics plays in many areas of life. Topics may include: finance, introduction to probability and statistics, and linear and exponential models, among others.
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 104 - Finite Mathematics

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course includes: linear systems of equations, matrices, linear programming, mathematics of finance, probability, statistics, and other topics. This course cannot be used as the prerequisite for courses requiring MATH 102.
    PreRequisite: MATH 095 or MATH 101 (Minimum grade C)
    4 semester hours
  • MATH 114 - College Algebra

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course includes a study of the theory and application of functions including function notation, graphs, inverses, polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and other functions. May also include additional topics such as sequences, series, the binomial theorem, linear systems, matrices, or complex numbers.
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 115 - Precalculus

    Common Course Number & Description
    A preparatory course for the calculus sequence. Topics include: polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions and their graphs; systems of equations, inequalities and complex numbers.
    5 semester hours
  • MATH 120 - Trigonometry

    Common Course Number & Description
    Topics include: trigonometric functions, equations, and identities; inverse trigonometric functions; exponential and logarithmic functions, and applications of these functions.
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 121 - Survey of Calculus

    Common Course Number & Description
    A survey of calculus including an intuitive approach to limits, continuity, differentiation, and integration with an emphasis on applications of the derivative and the integral as well as topics from multivariable calculus.
    4 semester hours
  • MATH 123 - Calculus I

    Common Course Number & Description
    The study of limits, continuity, derivatives, applications of the derivative, antiderivatives, the definite and indefinite integral, and the fundamental theorem of calculus.
    4 semester hours
  • MATH 123L - Calculus I Lab

    Common Course Number & Description
    A lab which supplements MATH 123 and provides the opportunity to study applications in more detail.
    CoRequisite: MATH 123
    1 semester hours
  • MATH 125 - Calculus II

    Common Course Number & Description
    A continuation of the study of calculus, including the study of sequences, series, polar coordinates, parametric equations, techniques of integration, applications of integration, indeterminate forms, and improper integrals.
    PreRequisite: MATH 123
    4 semester hours
  • MATH 225 - Calculus III

    Common Course Number & Description
    A continuation of the study of calculus including an introduction to vectors, vector calculus, partial derivatives, and multiple integrals.
    PreRequisite: MATH 125
    4 semester hours
  • MATH 281 - Introduction to Statistics

    Common Course Number & Description
    A study of descriptive statistics including graphs, measures of central tendency and variability and an introduction to probability theory, sampling and techniques of statistical inference with an emphasis on statistical applications.
    PreRequisite: MATH 103, 104, 114, 115, 120, 121, or 123
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 291 - Independent Study

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.
    1 to 5 semester hours
  • MATH 292 - Topics

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes current topics, advanced topics and special topics. A course devoted to a particular issue in a specified field. Course content is not wholly included in the regular curriculum. Guest artists or experts may serve as instructors. Enrollments are usually of 10 or fewer students with significant one-on-one student/teacher involvement.
    1 to 5 semester hours
  • MATH 315 - Linear Algebra

    Common Course Number & Description
    Course topics include: the theory and applications of systems of linear equations, matrices, determinants, vector spaces, linear transformations and applications.
    PreRequisite: (MATH 123 + MATH 201) or MATH 225 or MATH 253
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 316 - Discrete Mathematics

    Common Course Number & Description
    Selected topics from Boolean algebra, set theory, logic, functions and relations, difference equations, recurrence relations, application of algorithms, finite graphs, trees, paths and modeling.
    PreRequisite: (MATH 123 + MATH 201) or MATH 225 or MATH 250 or MATH 253
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 321 - Differential Equations

    Common Course Number & Description
    Selected topics from ordinary differential equations including development and applications of first order, higher order linear and systems of linear equations, general solutions and solutions to initial-value problems using matrices. Additional topics may include Laplace transforms and power series solutions.
    PreRequisite: MATH 125
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 341 - Math Concepts for Teachers I

    Common Course Number & Description
    An introduction to sets, numeration systems, arithmetic operations/algorithms, problem solving, and other topics. This course does not satisfy the mathematics general education requirement for any mathematics area requirements other than those for a degree in elementary education.
    PreRequisite: MATH 102 or MATH 103 or MATH 104 or MATH 114 or MATH 115 or MATH 120 or MATH 121 or MATH 123 or MATH 125 or MATH 281
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 342 - Math Concepts for Teachers II

    Common Course Number & Description
    An introduction to geometry concepts, measurement, problem solving, probability, statistics, and other topics. This course does not satisfy the mathematics general education requirement for any mathematics area requirements other than those for a degree in elementary education.
    PreRequisite: MATH 102 or MATH 103 or MATH 104 or MATH 114 or MATH 115 or MATH 120 or MATH 121 or MATH 123 or MATH 125 or MATH 281 or MATH 341
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 351 - Foundations of Mathematics

    Common Course Number & Description
    A preparatory course for upper-level mathematics courses. Topics include basic propositional and predicate calculus, basic set theory, methods of proof, relations, cardinality, and other selected topics.
    PreRequisite: MATH 125
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 361 - Modern Geometry

    Common Course Number & Description
    In this course topics will be chose from: axiomatic systems, finite geometries, Euclidean plane geometry, transformational geometry, three dimensional geometry, and non-Euclidean geometries.
    PreRequisite: (MATH 123 + MATH 201) or MATH 125
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 373 - Introduction to Numerical Analysis

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course is an introduction to numerical methods. Topics include elementary discussion of errors, polynomial interpolation, quadrature, non-linear equations, and systems of linear equations. The algorithmic approach and efficient use of the computer will be emphasized.
    PreRequisite: MATH 321 + (CSC 111 or CSC 150 or CSC 170)
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 411 - Theory of Numbers

    Common Course Number & Description
    Properties of integers, divisibility, primes, congruencies, Diophantine equations, quadratic residues, continued fractions and the distribution of primes.
    PreRequisite: MATH 125
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 413 - Abstract Algebra I

    Common Course Number & Description
    Introduction to the theory and applications of algebraic structures including groups, rings, and fields.
    PreRequisite: MATH 315 or MATH 316 or MATH 351 or CSC 251
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 414 - Abstract Algebra II

    Common Course Number & Description
    This is a continuation of topics from MATH 413.
    PreRequisite: MATH 413
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 416 - Combinatorics

    Common Course Number & Description
    Pigeonhole principle, Principle of Inclusion-Exclusion, other algebraic counting techniques, combinatorial designs, matchings, and graph theory.
    PreRequisite: MATH 125 + (MATH 316 or MATH 351)
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 421 - Complex Analysis

    Common Course Number & Description
    The algebra of complex numbers; complex functions; contour integration and Cauchy integral theorems; Taylor and Laurent series and the residue theorem; the evaluation of real definite integrals; elementary mapping problems.
    PreRequisite: MATH 225
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 423 - Advanced Calculus I

    Common Course Number & Description
    A theoretical treatment of Calculus that covers: limits; continuity and differentiability of functions of a single variable and of several variables; convergence of sequences and series; integration; and applications.
    PreRequisite: MATH 225 + (MATH 253 or 315 or 316 or 351 or CSC 251)
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 427 - Introduction to Functional Analysis

    Unique Course
    This is an extension of Abstract Linear Algebra concepts to functional spaces. Metric spaces, normed and Banach spaces, and inner product and Hilbert spaces are rigorously defined and explored.
    PreRequisite: MATH 315 + MATH 425
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 440 - Mathematics of Finance

    Common Course Number & Description
    An introduction to the fundamental concepts of financial mathematics.  Topics include simple and compound interest, annuities, amortization, sinking funds, bonds, stocks, rates of return, term structure of interest rates, cashflow duration and immunization.
    PreRequisite: MATH 225
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 450 - History of Mathematics

    Common Course Number & Description
    A general presentation of historical topics in mathematics including contributions to mathematics from ancient civilizations; developments leading to the creation of modern geometries, calculus and modern algebra; and contributions of outstanding mathematicians.
    PreRequisite: MATH 125
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 461 - Introduction to Topology

    Common Course Number & Description
    Introduction to topological and metric spaces with specific emphasis on topology of the real line.
    PreRequisite: MATH 225
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 471 - Numerical Analysis I

    Common Course Number & Description
    Analysis of rounding errors, numerical solutions of nonlinear equations, numerical differentiation, numerical integration, interpolation and approximation, numerical methods for solving linear systems.
    PreRequisite: MATH 225
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 472 - Numerical Analysis II

    Unique Course
    Solution of nonlinear equations. Computational methods of linear algebra, theory of matrices in numerical analysis, special eigenvalue problems and computational algorithms. Finite difference interpolations, numerical solutions to ordinary and partial differential equations, boundary value problems.
    PreRequisite: MATH 471
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 481 - Probability and Statistics

    Common Course Number & Description
    An introduction to the core ideas in probability and statistics. Computation of probabilities using, for instance, counting techniques and Bayes’ rule. Introduction to discrete and continuous random variables, joint and conditional distributions, expectation, variance and correlation, random sampling from populations, hypothesis tests and confidence intervals, and least squares.
    PreRequisite: MATH 225
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 483 - Regression and Analysis

    Unique Course
    This course is a study of simple and multiple regression. Topics will include analysis of residuals, violations of assumptions, multicollinearity influence diagnostics and nonparametric regression. Computer software will be utilized.
    PreRequisite: MATH 315 + MATH 481
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 484 - Applied Multivariate Analysis

    Unique Course
    This is a study of some common statistical techniques in a multivariate setting. Topics will include principal components, factor analysis, canonical correlation analysis, discriminate analysis and clustering.
    PreRequisite: MATH 315 + MATH 281
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 487 - Design of Experiments

    Unique Course
    This course is a study of the construction and analysis of designs for experimental investigations. Topics will include analysis of variance, completely randomized designs, randomized block designs, nested designs, and Latin squares. Computer software will be utilized.
    PreRequisite: MATH 281
    3 semester hours
  • MATH 491 - Independent Study

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.
    1 to 4 semester hours
  • MATH 492 - Topics

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes current topics, advanced topics and special topics. A course devoted to a particular issue in a specified field. Course content is not wholly included in the regular curriculum. Guest artists or experts may serve as instructors. Enrollments are usually of 10 or fewer students with significant one-on-one student/teacher involvement.
    1 to 6 semester hours
  • MATH 498 - Undergraduate Research/Scholarship

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes Senior Project, and Capstone Experience. Independent research problems/projects or scholarship activities. The plan of study is negotiated by the faculty member and the student. Contact between the two may be extensive and intensive. Does not include research courses which are theoretical.
    1 to 6 semester hours

Mass Communication (MCOM)

  • MCOM 151 - Introduction to Mass Communication

    Common Course Number & Description
    A comprehensive look at the mass media in the United States and the world. Includes discussions of newspapers, magazines, radio, television, books, movies, recordings, advertising and public relations. Also studies mass media rights and responsibilities, ethics and censorship.

    3 semester hours

  • MCOM 161 - Graphic Communication

    Common Course Number & Description
    Fundamental design principles, techniques, and technology of electronic layout and production.
    Cross-listed: ART-161
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 165 - History of Photography

    Unique Course
    This course is designed to give students an in-depth understanding of both the aesthetic and technical aspects of the history of photography. The course will also explore the effect photography has had on society and culture as well as examine emerging technologies and the role these technologies will play in our lives.
    Cross-listed: ARTH-165
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 210 - Basic Newswriting

    Common Course Number & Description
    Introduces students to gathering, evaluating and writing news.
    PreRequisite: ENGL 101
    3 semester hours
  • MCOM 220 - Introduction to Digital Media

    Common Course Number & Description
    An introduction to the basics of digital imagery and design for the news media.
    3 semester hours

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