Sep 23, 2024  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog 
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Course Descriptions


Accounting (ACCT)

  • ACCT 210 - Principles of Accounting I

    Common Course Number & Description
    A study of fundamental accounting principles and procedures such as journalizing, posting, preparation of financial statements, and other selected topics. Accounting is emphasized as a service activity designed to provide the information about economic entities that is necessary for making sound decisions.
    3 semester hours
  • ACCT 211 - Principles of Accounting II

    Common Course Number & Description
    A continuation of ACCT-210 with emphasis on partnership and corporate structures, management decision-making, cost control, and other selected topics.
    PreRequisite: ACCT 210
    3 semester hours
  • ACCT 310 - Intermediate Accounting I

    Common Course Number & Description
    Involves the intensive study of financial accounting standards, both in theory and practice, as they relate to the preparation and analysis of financial statements. Accounting problems and their impact on the financial statements are addressed in regard to current assets, fixed assets, intangible assets, liabilities, and other selected topics.
    PreRequisite: ACCT 211
    3 semester hours
  • ACCT 311 - Intermediate Accounting II

    Common Course Number & Description
    Provides an intensive study of accounting standards, both in theory and practice, as they relate to the preparation and analysis of financial statements. Accounting problems and their impact on the financial statements are addressed in regard to liabilities, investments, stockholders’ equity, leases, pensions, tax allocation and other selected topics.
    PreRequisite: ACCT 310
    3 semester hours
  • ACCT 361 - Accounting Computer Applications

    Unique Course
    This course provides in-depth instruction in a popular accounting software application, QuickBooks. It will also provide in-depth instruction in accounting information systems. 
    PreRequisite: ACCT 211 + MIS 205
    3 semester hours
  • ACCT 430 - Income Tax Accounting

    Common Course Number & Description
    Involves the study of Federal Income Tax law as it affects individuals, as well as other selected topics.
    PreRequisite: ACCT 211
    3 semester hours
  • ACCT 431 - Advanced Income Tax

    Common Course Number & Description
    A study of Federal Income Tax law as it applies to partnership, S corporations, C corporations, as well as other selected topics.
    PreRequisite: ACCT 430
    3 semester hours
  • ACCT 440 - Accounting Theory

    Common Course Number & Description
    Provides a study of current accounting theory and its applications. The course review theoretical aspects of accounting by means of problems, directed reading, and study of the various sources of accounting theory.
    PreRequisite: ACCT 311
    3 semester hours
  • ACCT 450 - Auditing

    Common Course Number & Description
    Studies both theory and practice. Topics include audit planning, internal control, audit procedures, audit reports and opinions, materiality, audit risk, evidential matter, as required by generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS), professional ethics, legal responsibilities, and other selected topics.
    PreRequisite: ACCT 311
    3 semester hours
  • ACCT 454 - Advanced Auditing and Assurance

    Unique Course
    This course increases the coverage of independent auditing theory and practice while including topics related to other assurance services for the accounting profession. Some of the topics include audit sampling, application of auditing principles to several audit segments, and an overview of other assurance services related to
    the CPA profession. An advanced readings or case book will augment a textbook and students will explore an auditing topic in depth via a formal research paper.
    PreRequisite: ACCT-450
    3 semester hours
  • ACCT 460 - Managerial Accounting

    Common Course Number & Description
    Address the accounting information needs of management for planning, controlling, and decision making purposes. The course integrates management accounting with other functional areas of business. Importance is placed on the use of technology to improve performance and quality in a highly competitive, global marketplace.
    PreRequisite: ACCT 211
    3 semester hours
  • ACCT 470 - Non-Profit Accounting

    Common Course Number & Description
    Involves the study of fund accounting, including reports, records, and special problems encountered by nonprofit entities and the generally accepted accounting principles related to them. Nonprofit entities include municipalities and state governments, universities, hospitals, and voluntary health and welfare organizations.
    PreRequisite: ACCT 211
    3 semester hours
  • ACCT 480 - Advanced Accounting

    Common Course Number & Description
    Studies special accounting problems relating to the preparation of combined and consolidated financial statements, partnership accounting, and foreign exchange transactions and translations.
    PreRequisite: ACCT 311
    3 semester hours
  • ACCT 490 - Seminar

    Common Course Number & Description
    A highly focused, and topical course. The format includes student presentations and discussions of reports based on literature, practices, problems, and research. Seminars may be conducted over electronic media such as internet and are at the upper division graduate levels. Enrollments in generally limited to fewer than 20 students.
    3 semester hours
  • ACCT 491 - Independent Study

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.
    1 to 4 semester hours
  • ACCT 492 - Topics

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes current topics, advanced topics and special topics. A course devoted to a particular issue in a specified field. Course content is not wholly included in the regular curriculum. Guest artists or experts may serve as instructors. Enrollments are usually of 10 or fewer students with significant one-on-one student/teacher involvement.
    1 to 4 semester hours
  • ACCT 494 - Internship

    Common Course Number & Description
    Applied, monitored and supervised, field-based learning experience for which the student may or may not be paid. Students gain practical experience; they follow a negotiated and or directed plan of study. A higher level of supervision is provided by the instructor in these courses than is the case with field experience courses.
    1 to 12 semester hours

American Indian Studies (AIS)

  • AIS 101 - Introductory Lakota I

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course is an introduction to the Lakota language.  Emphasis is placed on the basic sounds of the Lakota language, correct pronunciation, and orthography used to represent those sounds.  The course includes a focus on male/female speech patterns, kinship terms, other ordinary environmental and cultural contexts, and basic sentence structure.  Language tables are used to enhance fluency in conversational Lakota.

    Cross-listed: (Also offered as LAKL 101)
    4 semester hours

  • AIS 102 - Introductory Lakota II

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course is a continuation of the Lakota language in both written and oral forms.  Emphasis is placed on pronunciation, a more extended examination of grammar, expanded vocabulary, and continued practice in reading, writing, and speaking Lakota.  Language tables are used to enhance fluency in conversational Lakota.

    Cross-listed: (Also offered as LAKL 102)
    PreRequisite: AIS 101 or LAKL 101
    4 semester hours

  • AIS 115 - American Indian Oral Literature

    Unique Course
    The American Indian oral tradition focusing on myth, legend, song and oratory (in English translation) is studied. Selections will represent various tribes, but will emphasize the Lakota culture.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as ENGL 115)
    3 semester hours
  • AIS 143 - Traditional Lakota Arts

    Unique Course
    This course will enable the student to perform basic traditional art techniques such as quillwork, beadwork, and featherwork.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as ART 143)
    3 semester hours
  • AIS 201 - Intermediate Lakota I

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course is an advanced course that builds on the introductory Lakota language courses.  Students will learn advanced grammar and Lakota literacy with an emphasis on verb conjugation, composition of sentences and an analysis of Lakota/Dakota language texts.  Language tables are used to enhance fluency in Lakota speaking skills. 
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as LAKL 201)
    PreRequisite: (AIS 101 + AIS 102) or (LAKL 101 + LAKL 102)
    3 semester hours
  • AIS 202 - Intermediate Lakota II

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course is a continuation of teaching grammar and Lakota literacy with an emphasis on verb conjugation, composition of sentences, and further in-depth analysis of Lakota/Dakota language texts.  Language tables are used to enhance fluency in Lakota speaking skills.

    Cross-listed: (Also offered as LAKL 202)
    PreRequisite: (AIS 101 + AIS 102) or (LAKL 101 + LAKL 102)
    3 semester hours

  • AIS 214 - Introduction to American Indian Literature

    Common Course Number & Description
    This introductory course in American Indian literature allows students to read and study a variety of genres, including traditional oral literature, autobiography, poetry, fiction, and drama by American Indian authors. Students learn basic research and critical skills needed in reading Native American texts.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as ENGL 214)
    3 semester hours
  • AIS 225 - American Indian Women

    Unique Course
    This will be a study of the historical importance of Indian women and their significance in the modern world.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as SOC 225)
    3 semester hours
  • AIS 244 - American Indians in Film and Social Media

    Unique Course
    This course explores how film, television and social media industries both construct and appropriate images of American Indians.  The course examines Native American themed films and social media made by both Native and non-Natives, in order to critically compare the images presented from each perspective and understand the impacts of these images on the relationship, place and space occupied by Native Americans in contemporary society.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as ENGL-244)
    3 semester hours
  • AIS 251 - American Indian Art History

    Common Course Number & Description
    A survey of the history of American art ranging from traditional tribal art to contemporary Indian art.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as ARTH 251)
    3 semester hours
  • AIS 256 - Literature of American West

    Common Course Number & Description
    A study of the literature produced in our region, centered on the Great Plains, including that of Native Americans, both oral and written; of pioneers, immigrants; and farmers; Western literature, and current writers.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as ENGL 256)
    PreRequisite: ENGL 101
    3 semester hours
  • AIS 257 - Early American Indian History and Culture

    Unique Course
    A survey of the social, cultural, political, and economic history of the Indian peoples of North America from time immemorial to the end of the nineteenth century.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as HIST 257)
    3 semester hours
  • AIS 291 - Independent Study

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.
    1 to 5 semester hours
  • AIS 369 - Modern American Indian History and Culture

    Common Course Number & Description
    A survey of the social, cultural, political, and economic history of the Indian people of North America from the mid-nineteenth century to the present.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as HIST 369)
    3 semester hours
  • AIS 377 - Ethnobotany of the Northern Plains

    Unique Course
    A scientific study of the history, identification and use of native plants by indigenous cultures.  A focus on the interactions among people, cultures and plants, with a particular emphasis given to the use of plants by the Lakota people.
    PreRequisite: BIOL 101
    3 semester hours
  • AIS 417 - American Indian Government and Politics

    Unique Course
    An in-depth investigation of federal, state, and tribal laws, and the historical development and status of treaties, legislation, court decisions, and tribal governments.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as POLS 417)
    3 semester hours
  • AIS 422 - Issues in Contemporary Indian Life

    Common Course Number & Description
    An analysis of current American Indian life including inquiry into government policies, economics, and social adjustment to non-Indian society, and cultural changes as these relate to Indian citizens on and off the reservation.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as SOC 422)
    3 semester hours
  • AIS 444 - Siouan Tribal Culture

    Unique Course
    Examines Culture of the Siouan-speaking tribes of the Northern Plains using historical, anthropological, and linguistic approaches. The course focuses on the three divisions of the Sioux peoples, namely Dakota, Lakota, and Nakota. It also may include other Siouan-speaking tribes such as the Mandan, Omaha and Winnebago.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as SOC 444)
    PreRequisite: AIS 257 or HIST 257
    3 semester hours
  • AIS 450 - American Indians and Their Lands

    Unique Course
    This course is a comprehensive examination of the theories of sovereignty and property, the histories, policies, legislations, executive actions, court decisions, along with the contemporary issues, laws, regulations, mechanism and best practices involved in the many past and present complex land holding in Native America.
    Cross-listed: POLS-450
    3 semester hours
  • AIS 454 - Indian Community Organization & Development

    Unique Course
    This will be a study of the theory and process of community development in Indian communities.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as SOC 454)
    3 semester hours
  • AIS 460 - American Indian Philosophy

    Unique Course
    Approaches American Indian thought from an experiential point of view. Examines myth and legends to construct outlooks or world views of American Indians.
    PreRequisite: AIS 257 or HIST 257
    3 semester hours
  • AIS 465 - American Indian Psychology

    Unique Course
    This course explores native conceptualizations of mental health and illness and the impact of colonization.  It also covers the resiliency of native peoples and the role of psychology in the healing process.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as PSYC 465)
    PreRequisite: PSYC 101
    3 semester hours
  • AIS 490 - Seminar

    Common Course Number & Description
    A highly focused, and topical course. The format includes student presentations and discussions of reports based on literature, practices, problems, and research. Seminars may be conducted over electronic media such as internet and are at the upper division or graduate levels. Enrollment is generally limited to fewer than 20 students.
    1 to 3 semester hours
  • AIS 491 - Independent Study

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.
    1 to 3 semester hours
  • AIS 492 - Topics

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes current topics, advanced topics and special topics. A course devoted to a particular issue in a specified field. Course content is not wholly included in the regular curriculum. Guest artists or experts may serve as instructors. Enrollments are usually of 10 or fewer students with significant one-on-one student/teacher involvement.
    3 semester hours
  • AIS 494 - Internship

    Common Course Number & Description
    Applied, monitored and supervised, field-based learning experience for which the student may or may not be paid. Students gain practical experience; they follow a negotiated and or directed plan of study. A higher level of supervision is provided by the instructor in these courses than is the case with field experience courses.
    1 to 16 semester hours

Anthropology (ANTH)

  • ANTH 210 - Cultural Anthropology

    Common Course Number & Description
    Introduces the nature of human culture as an adaptive ecological and evolutionary system, emphasizing basic anthropological concepts, principles and problems. Draws data from both traditional and industrial cultures to cover such concepts as values & beliefs, social organization, economic and political order, science, technology, and aesthetic expression.
    3 semester hours

Art Studio (ART)

  • ART 111 - Drawing I

    Common Course Number & Description
    Introduces various drawing concepts, media, and processes developing perceptual and technical skills related to accurate observing and drawing.
    3 semester hours
  • ART 112 - Drawing II

    Common Course Number & Description
    Emphasizes the continuing development of essential drawing skills and perceptual abilities as drawing concepts, compositional complexity, and creativity gain importance.
    PreRequisite: ART 111
    3 semester hours
  • ART 121 - Design I 2D

    Common Course Number & Description
    Emphasizes the organization of visual elements and principles while exploring creative thought processes through art theory, concepts, material, and techniques.
    3 semester hours
  • ART 122 - Design II Color

    Common Course Number & Description
    Introduction to color theory as it applies to basic 2D and 3D design principles.
    PreRequisite: MCOM 210 or MCOM 265 or ART 265
    3 semester hours
  • ART 123 - Three Dimensional Design

    Common Course Number & Description
    3-D visual problems solved through the organization of design elements, utilizing three dimensional design language revealed through its history, theory, aesthetics and materials.
    3 semester hours
  • ART 143 - Traditional Lakota Arts

    Unique Course
    This course will enable the student to perform basic traditional art techniques such as quillwork, beadwork, and featherwork.
    Cross-listed: (Also offered as AIS 143)
    3 semester hours
  • ART 161 - Graphic Communication

    Common Course Number & Description
    Fundamental design principles, techniques, and technology of electronic layout and production.
    Cross-listed: MCOM-161
    3 semester hours
  • ART 172 - Design Concepts in Crafts Media

    Unique Course
    The core of the class consists of exploration in various three dimensional craft media and processes. Possibilities include stained glass, batik, clay, basket weaving, etc. The emphasis is placed on the development of skills needed for general technical, as well as personal aesthetic consideration.
    3 semester hours
  • ART 211 - Drawing III - Figurative

    Common Course Number & Description
    Figurative drawing studied, emphasizing the development of individual ideas and approaches to various drawing media, including the use of multimedia.
    PreRequisite: ART 111
    3 semester hours
  • ART 222 - Exploring Themes

    Unique Course
    This course will explore themes in art as clusters of ideas around discursive thinking and careful looking. We will examine the impact that materials, techniques, form and subject matter make in content. Students will engage with thematic ideas that will enlarge their perspectives and empower them to explore their own work with intellectual excitement. 
    PreRequisite: ART 121
    1 semester hours
  • ART 231 - Painting I

    Common Course Number & Description
    Initial approach to painting, employing history, materials, techniques and process in various media as student work with concepts, objects or models.
    PreRequisite: ART 111 or ART 121
    3 semester hours
  • ART 257 - Intermediate Desktop Publishing

    Unique Course
    Students will continue their study of design principles and desktop publishing procedures, techniques and applications at an intermediate level. Multiple desktop publishing/page layout programs will be explored through tutorials and hands-on exercises, with program features being examined beyond the basic level covered in the fundamental course. Students will demonstrate their learning through individual publishing projects they will develop.
    Cross-listed: MCOM-257
    PreRequisite: ART 161 or MCOM 161
    3 semester hours
  • ART 265 - Basic Photography

    Common Course Number & Description
    Basic camera, imaging, printing and processing techniques used in making and preparing photographs for publication and presentation, including a discourse and/or practical usage of the beginning aspects of photography.  
    Cross-listed: MCOM-265
    3 semester hours
  • ART 266 - Photojournalism

    Common Course Number & Description
    Photography as it relates to the media and the public. Emphasis on the content and design of photo essays, legal and ethical aspects of photography.
    Cross-listed: MCOM-266
    3 semester hours
  • ART 291 - Independent Study

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.
    1 to 5 semester hours
  • ART 292 - Topics

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes current topics, advanced topics and special topics. A course devoted to a particular issue in a specified field. Course content is not wholly included in the regular curriculum. Guest artists or experts may serve as instructors. Enrollments are usually of 10 or fewer students with significant one-on-one student/teacher involvement.
    1 to 4 semester hours
  • ART 312 - Intermediate Photography

    Unique Course
    This course will introduce students to advanced techniques in exposure and printing as well as composition and image content. Multiple camera formats, print presentation and image editing and sequencing will also be introduced.
    Cross-listed: MCOM-312
    PreRequisite: ART 265 or MCOM 265
    3 semester hours
  • ART 315 - Computer Production & Imaging

    Unique Course
    The student will study various reproduction and printing methods including offset printing to computer publishing.  Course projects will develop creative concepts from the original idea and copy to completed artwork and camera-ready paste-ups.
    Cross-listed: MCOM-315
    3 semester hours
  • ART 328 - Advertising Media Communications

    Unique Course
    This course provides an academic environment to the theoretical and practical aspects of advertising media communication planning and design.
    Cross-listed: MCOM 328
    PreRequisite: ART 161 or MCOM 161
    3 semester hours
  • ART 330 - Painting Techniques

    Unique Course
    This basic course explores the potentials of the painting media with emphasis on color and composition. Oil and acrylic media will be used in the exploration of the picture surface.
    PreRequisite: ART 111 + ART 122
    3 semester hours
  • ART 333 - Ideation and Identity

    Unique Course
    This course will promote self-knowledge and independent thought as enablers of original works of art. Students will explore self-awareness by reflecting on the ideas and beliefs unique to them that connect with their decision making in art. Students will engage in the creative process of generating, developing and communicating new ideas.
    PreRequisite: ART 121
    1 semester hours
  • ART 338 - Encaustic Painting

    Unique Course
    This studio course explores the techniques and use of the encaustic medium in fine art. As the oldest painting medium, encaustic media incorporates many types of waxes and pigments. Encaustic processes are versatile, accommodating many substrates and used in various multi-media processes.
    3 semester hours
  • ART 340 - Sculpture Techniques

    Unique Course
    Surveys sculpture studio practices, encouraging individual exploration of creative concepts, as students develop skills in the use of equipment, design concepts and safety practices for creating three-dimensional sculptures.
    3 semester hours
  • ART 343 - Introduction to Drone Photography

    Unique Course
    This course will introduce students to both commercial and artistic uses of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) more commonly referred to as drones. Topics to be covered will include basic flight safety, using drones for video and still capture, FAA compliance and creative and innovative uses for UAV technology.
    PreRequisite: (ART 265 or MCOM 265) + (ART 312 or MCOM 312)
    3 semester hours
  • ART 350 - Ceramics Techniques

    Unique Course
    This course will introduce students to digital and analog ways of exploring material and form. Students will acquire the material knowledge and technical skills needed to communicate with clay.
    3 semester hours
  • ART 353 - Ceramics Surface

    Unique Course
    This course will introduce students to digital and analog ways of exploring surface design and decorating techniques. Students will develop surface design skills by investigating texture, silkscreen, decals and slip decoration.
    3 semester hours
  • ART 354 - Functional Ceramics

    Unique Course
    This course is an introduction to utilitarian pottery as a distinct genre of art practice. Students will explore individual approaches to making pottery, including wheel throwing, altered forms, hand building with slabs and coils, and drop-and-drape molds. Students will engage in conversations about making pots for daily and ritual use and engage in exercises that will develop continuity between form and surface. Assignments include the study and replication of historical pottery forms with the addition of invented ornamental surfaces. Class discussions of readings, lectures and class projects will focus on developing verbal and observational skills. 
    3 semester hours
  • ART 357 - Advanced Desktop Publishing

    Unique Course
    This is an advanced course in design principles and desktop publishing procedures, techniques, and applications. Top-level desktop publishing/page layout programs will be explored through tutorials and hands-on exercises, with advanced program features being examined beyond the transitional level covered in the intermediate course. Students will demonstrate their learning through sophisticated and complex individual publishing projects they will develop. The course will also include a study of typography including type families and characteristics, and how to choose appropriate fonts for different styles of documents and projects.
    Cross-listed: MCOM-357
    PreRequisite: (ART 161 or MCOM 161) + (ART 257 or MCOM 257)
    3 semester hours
  • ART 364 - Studio and Commercial Photography

    Unique Course
    This course is designed to give you an overview of studio and commercial lighting. In this course, you will learn how to use a wide range of studio lighting equipment and lighting techniques.  This is a great course if you are considering studio product or portraiture photography as a career.
    Cross-listed: MCOM-364
    PreRequisite: (ART 265 or MCOM 265) + (ART 365 or MCOM 365)
    3 semester hours
  • ART 365 - Advanced Photography

    Common Course Number & Description
    Exploration of photojournalism and electronic photojournalism. Emphasis on putting together a professional photojournalism portfolio including black and white and color.
    Cross-listed: MCOM-365
    PreRequisite: ART 265 or MCOM 265
    3 semester hours
  • ART 367 - Color Photography

    Unique Course
    This course deals with color photography, stressing the use of current commercial systems. It includes camera projects and follow-through to final full-color prints.
    Cross-listed: MCOM-367
    PreRequisite: (ART 265 or MCOM 265) + MCOM 350
    3 semester hours
  • ART 375 - Art and Technology

    Unique Course
    This course will introduce students to the techniques, equipment and software used in the making and the teaching of art. Several painting, photo manipulation and graphics programs will be explored as they pertain to art making and teaching. Students will learn the basics of web page design, hardware trouble-shooting and digital imaging. (was ART 365)
    3 semester hours
  • ART 430 - Watercolor

    Common Course Number & Description
    Generates creative experiences in developing and evaluating visual ideas expressed in watercolor through discussion and utilization of master artists’ watercolor approaches and techniques.
    PreRequisite: ART 111 + ART 121 + ART 122
    3 semester hours
  • ART 444 - Studio Practice

    Unique Course
    This course will promote independent studio exploration outside the classroom. Students will explore the meaning and significance of maintaining a studio practice when the studio becomes their own. Required studio work will emphasize the development of strong work habits and skills that will prepare students for a wholly self-directed art practice.
    PreRequisite: ART 121 + ART 122
    1 semester hours
  • ART 449 - Advanced Interactive Multimedia Design

    Unique Course
    This course is designed to give students experience producing advanced interactive media projects. Students will work with digital photography, video, audio, and music; focusing on advanced problems in online and mobile media design.
    Cross-listed: MCOM-449
    PreRequisite: ART 448 or MCOM 448
    3 semester hours
  • ART 450 - Alternative Photo Printing

    Unique Course
    This course is designed to give students an in-depth understanding of both the aesthetic and technical aspects of a variety of historic and contemporary alternative printing processes.
    Cross-listed: MCOM-450
    PreRequisite: (ART 265 or MCOM 265) + (ART 365 or MCOM 365)
    3 semester hours
  • ART 457 - 4-D Art Techniques

    Unique Course
    This course will be available for all art majors and minors and art education majors. 4-D Art will explore new and pertinent art forms which traditionally do not fall into the content of other studio art courses. Animation, video, performance, installation, and multi-disciplinary media works could potentially be explored in this upper-level course.
    PreRequisite: ART 121
    3 semester hours
  • ART 461 - Photo Special Projects

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course focuses on specific themes and issues that have been chosen by the student, to be explored in depth throughout the semester. Weekly critiques will nurture the creation of a body of work of personal significance. All photographic processes and techniques, including both film and digitally based work, will be accepted and explored.
    PreRequisite: ART 361 or ART 450 or MCOM 450
    3 semester hours
  • ART 462 - Advanced Photography Projects

    Common Course Number & Description
    This course focuses on personally selected themes and issues that will be photographically explored throughout the semester. Weekly critiques will nurture the creation of a body of work of personal significance, which will be exhibited after the end of the semester in a place of the student’s choosing. All photographic processes and techniques, including both film and digitally based work, will be accepted and explored.
    PreRequisite: ART 261 or ART 265 or MCOM 265
    3 semester hours
  • ART 463 - Professional Practices in Photographic Imaging

    Unique Course
    This course will instruct students in various types of emerging image capture and production processes being used in the imaging industry as well as advanced portfolio production and design.
    Cross-listed: MCOM-463
    PreRequisite: (ART 312 or MCOM 312) +(ART 364 or MCOM 364) + (ART 465 or MCOM 465)
    3 semester hours
  • ART 464 - Advanced Studio & Commercial Photography

    Unique Course
    This course will expand on the basic foundational elements of MCOM 364 and will give students the opportunity to learn and apply advanced lighting, posing, design, and compositional techniques related to studio and commercial photography. Students will also explore issues pertaining to the business of advertising, commercial, and studio photography.
    Cross-listed: MCOM-464
    PreRequisite: ART 364 or MCOM 364
    3 semester hours
  • ART 465 - Contemporary Issues in Photography

    Unique Course
    This course will give students the opportunity to practice advanced techniques in color, black and white and digital photography. Contemporary and historic issues concerning commercial and art photography will be explored through lecture and interactive instruction and research. Students will also plan and prepare a portfolio of professional caliber.
    Cross-listed: MCOM-465
    PreRequisite: ART 365 or MCOM 365
    3 semester hours
  • ART 480 - Printmaking Techniques

    Unique Course
    This is the creative use of basic techniques in relief and stencil processes. Involved will be the making of prints and the adaptation of these printmaking techniques for use in secondary schools.
    3 semester hours
  • ART 491 - Independent Study

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.
    1 to 12 semester hours
  • ART 492 - Topics

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes current topics, advanced topics and special topics. A course devoted to a particular issue in a specified field. Course content is not wholly included in the regular curriculum. Guest artists or experts may serve as instructors. Enrollments are usually of 10 or fewer students with significant one-on-one student/teacher involvement.
    1 to 9 semester hours
  • ART 494 - Internship

    Common Course Number & Description
    Applied, monitored and supervised, field-based learning experience for which the student may or may not be paid. Students gain practical experience; they follow a negotiated and or directed plan of study. A higher level of supervision is provided by the instructor in these courses than is the case with field experience courses.
    1 to 16 semester hours

Art Design (ARTD)

  • ARTD 335 - Digital Illustration I

    Common Course Number & Description
    Computer graphics and illustration students produce professional quality illustrations for a variety of art and publication markets as they master advanced techniques in electronic imaging using computer illustration software.
    PreRequisite: ART 113 or ART 161 or MCOM 161
    3 semester hours
  • ARTD 491 - Independent Study

    Common Course Number Description
    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.
    1 to 9 semester hours

Art Education (ARTE)

  • ARTE 310 - K-8 Art Methods

    Common Course Number & Description
    In this course, students develop an understanding of the tools of inquiry of K-8 art; the ability to design, deliver, and evaluate a variety of instructional strategies and processes that incorporate learning resources, materials, technologies, and state and national curriculum standards appropriate to K-8 art; the ability to assess student learning in K-8 art; and to apply these knowledge, skills and attitudes to real life situations and experiences.
    2 semester hours
  • ARTE 414 - K-12 Art Methods

    Common Course Number & Description
    Students develop an understanding of the tools of inquiry of K-12 art; the ability to design, deliver and evaluate a variety of instructional strategies and processes that incorporate learning resources, materials, technologies, and state and national curriculum standards appropriate to K-12 art; the ability to assess student learning in K-12 art; and to apply this knowledge, skills, and attitudes to real life situations and experiences.
    3 semester hours
  • ARTE 491 - Independent Study

    Common Course Number & Description
    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.
    1 to 9 semester hours

Art History (ARTH)

  • ARTH 100 - Art Appreciation

    Common Course Number & Description
    Explores the nature of art in various aesthetic, formal, and psychological dimensions, involving analysis of art objects for understanding, enjoyment, and life enhancement.
    3 semester hours
  • ARTH 121 - Introduction to the Visual Arts

    Unique Course
    This required course for all Art majors and minors is designed to provide an introductory understanding of the visual arts from early history to the present. The course may be used to meet a portion of the humanities general education requirements.
    3 semester hours
  • ARTH 165 - History of Photography

    Unique Course
    This course is designed to give students an in-depth understanding of both the aesthetic and technical aspects of the history of photography. The course will also explore the effect photography has had on society and culture as well as examine emerging technologies and the role these technologies will play in our lives.
    Cross-listed: MCOM-165
    3 semester hours
  • ARTH 211 - History of World Art I

    Common Course Number & Description
    Art and architecture in the historical and contextual development of the role of visual arts including crafts, drawing, painting, sculptures and architecture, in the historical and cultural development of world civilizations from prehistory through the 14th century.
    3 semester hours
  • ARTH 212 - History of World Art II

    Common Course Number & Description
    Art and architecture in the historical and contextual development. The role of visual art; including crafts, drawing, painting, sculpture, and architecture; in the historical and cultural development of world civilization from the renaissance through the 20th century.
    3 semester hours

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